The Iran Deal: A Historic Opportunity to Win Without War
Last Updated on July 14, 2015.
July 14, 2015
Stephen Miles, Advocacy Director
Coalition Launches Campaign to Support Historic Agreement with Iran
Blasts Congressional Opponents as Reckless Champions of Another Middle East War
The Win Without War coalition launched a national campaign today to support the Obama administration’s historic agreement with Iran and to overcome a well-financed campaign to pressure Congress to reject the deal. The group blasted Congressional opponents who declared their opposition to a deal even before there was one. The coalition of national, membership-based organizations called the agreement “a historic opportunity to win without war.”
“This is a good deal and a historic opportunity to win without war”, said Stephen Miles, Advocacy Director for Win Without War. “Unfortunately, Congressional opponents of ANY deal with Iran will stop at nothing to scuttle this agreement and put our nation on the path to yet another war in the Middle East. We have seen this movie before and we know how it ends. We will not stand idly by while those who pushed for war with Iraq try to push us into war with Iran.”
“Irresponsible Congressional opponents showed their true colors over the weekend by opposing a deal that did not yet exist. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), who tried to scuttle negotiations with an outrageous letter to Iranian leaders during the course of the negotiations and has said a war with Iran would only take ‘several days’, made it clear that he will oppose ANY deal regardless of its terms. Sunday, he declared on the CBS program Face the Nation, ‘Whatever deal comes out of this weekend, it’s going to be dangerous for the United States and dangerous for the world.’
“This type of reckless thinking is exactly what got us into a disastrous war in Iraq. It is wrong and completely out of step with the majority of Americans who do not want yet another war in the Middle East. We will do everything that we can to stop those in Congress who want to set the US on a path to war with Iran.
“Congress will now have two months to review this deal. They should listen to the overwhelming expert consensus and the majority of Americans and support this deal.”
Win Without War’s campaign to defend the deal with Iran will build upon two years of mobilizing by dozens of organizations. Together, these organizations have generated nearly three million grassroots actions in defense of diplomacy with Iran, including:
- Over 1.8 million petition signatures to either President Obama or Congress
- Over 1 million emails to Congress
- Over 60,000 phone calls to Congress
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