Demonstration Against War

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We're building a better U.S. Foreign Policy that favors peace, not militarism. Sign up to receive updates and action alerts.

The cost of the war on terror

Data courtesy of National Priorities Project.

Take Action

Actions you can take to build grassroots progressive power.

Tell Pres. Biden: Investigate West Bank Violence

Tell Pres. Biden: Investigate West Bank Violence

This is how we begin to end a pattern of violence and impunity.

Take Action
Tell Pres. Biden: Secure a Ceasefire Now.

Tell Pres. Biden: Secure a Ceasefire Now.

The time for action is now — and the good news is that momentum is building.

Take Action
Tell Congress: Ban Assault Weapons

Tell Congress: Ban Assault Weapons

Weapons of war don’t belong in schools, churches, grocery stores — or anywhere.

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Tell the Senate: Stop the war profiteering, support the ETHICS Act!

Tell the Senate: Stop the war profiteering, support the ETHICS Act!

This bill can break a corrupt cycle built on weapons and war.

Take Action
Tell Congress: Let's Keep Our Promise. Pass the Afghan Adjustment Act without delay.

Tell Congress: Let's Keep Our Promise. Pass the Afghan Adjustment Act without delay.

People are STILL waiting on U.S. promises. It's time for action.

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Anti-War Demonstrators

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