We All Support the Nuclear Deal with Iran

Last Updated on August 3, 2015.
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Current and former Members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, including Ranking Member Adam Schiff (D-CA), Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Eric Swalwell (D-CA); Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Jan Schakowsky (D-CA) and Mike Thompson (D-CA)- “Our work on the Intelligence Committee and the insights it has given us into Iran’s nuclear program – past and present – as well as the confidence it gives us that this agreement cuts off Iran’s access to the bomb, have been significant drivers behind our decision to support the deal.” [8/13]
Rep. Alma Adams (D-NC)- “After great deliberation, I have decided to support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between the P5+1 partners and Iran.” [9/3]
Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA)- “However, [the JCPOA] is the best diplomatic solution available to the international community and I will vote to support the agreement. The bottom line is this: Iran can never be allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon. I support the JCPOA because the national security of the United States, Israel, and the entire international community would be at risk should Iran ever obtain a nuclear weapon. The agreement verifiably prevents Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.” [9/2]
Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA)- “I commend President Obama and his cabinet for their commitment to diplomacy and direct discussion. Their leadership and the international sanctions regime they led brought both Iran and our allies to the negotiating table, and because of their effort the United States’ most trusted and historic allies support this agreement because it is both tough and thorough. The United Nation’s Security Council unanimously approved the agreement because it is effective, verifiable and durable, and Congress should not move the world backward.” [8/25]
Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH)- “I believe the JCPOA provides the United States and our allies with the most realistic and effective course of action currently available to derail Iran’s nuclear weapons program.” [9/10]
Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA)- “I have decided to support the agreement negotiated to prevent Iran from producing and possessing nuclear weapons and to vote against any Congressional measure attempting to thwart its implementation. I have concluded that the agreement’s inspection and verification regime to which Iran must now submit is credible and enforceable. Our ability to respond with speed should Iran regress from its obligations is real and robust.” [9/9]
Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA)- “This is an historic accomplishment for President Obama, Secretary Kerry, the American negotiators, and the diplomatic process to prevent Iran’s nuclear ambitions. I commend our diplomats for skillfully averting a global showdown and blocking Iran’s efforts to obtain the bomb.” [7/14]
Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA)- “I plan to vote in support of this landmark achievement and urge my colleagues to do the same. The overwhelming consensus among non-proliferation and national security experts is that a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear program is the best way to preserve America’s national security interests. We cannot allow a nuclear Iran. This deal could serve as a lasting deterrent that keeps our men and women in uniform out of another devastating war in the Middle East. Our diplomats have done their duty to forge this agreement. Now it is incumbent upon every member of Congress to ensure this deal goes forward, without obstruction or delay.” [7/14]
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)- “This agreement is an historic achievement. We now have a path to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran that would unravel what little stability remains in the Middle East.” [7/14]
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ)- “I nonetheless believe it is better to support a deeply flawed deal, for the alternative is worse. Thus, I will vote in support of the deal.” [9/3]
Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR)- “An engaged and unified international community, led by the United States, is the best option to preserve peace by keeping close watch over a rogue state that seems to respond only when the world’s major powers speak in one voice… When Congress returns to Washington, DC, next week I will not vote to reject the agreement; I will support it and advocate for vigorous oversight and enforcement.” [9/4]
Reps. Madeline Z. Bordano (D-Guam) and Gregorio Sablan (D-Northern Marianas)- “We support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), now under consideration by Congress, as the best available means to prevent the Islamic Republic of Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. The JCPOA provides the United States and our allies with mechanisms to monitor and verify Iran’s compliance. The agreement has the support of the international community. And the JCPOA represents an opportunity to avoid direct military conflict with Iran.” [9/9]
Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-IL)- “I have decided to support the nuclear agreement with Iran because it is the best path forward to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.” [8/26]
Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-NC)– “I have concluded that it is in the best interest of the United States and our allies to support this historic agreement.” [8/28]
Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA)- “I have decided to support the JCPOA because it is the best way forward to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and advance the national security interests of the United States and our allies.” [8/11]
Rep. Michael Capuano (D-MA)- “I have always hoped for a negotiated resolution to the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear ambitions. The general outlines of the deal, made public this morning, appear reasonable and encouraging. For me, the most important question is, if this deal is not acceptable, then what does the United States do next? Europe would not support the U.S. in continued sanctions so we would be left with unilateral sanctions and historically these have been ineffectual. Nor do I think a military option is prudent or feasible at this time.” [7/14]
Rep. John Carney (D-DE)– “I have decided to support the agreement, because I have concluded that this deal is better than no deal at all. The hard truth is, I believe those are our only two choices at this juncture.” [9/9]
Rep Andre Carson (D-IN)- “For our national security and international stability, it is critical that we accept the agreement.” [8/5]
Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA)- “On the narrow issue of preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, I find the JCPOA to be so comprehensive as to be unprecedented in its scope. Accordingly, when and if the U.S. House of Representatives brings up a bill to disapprove the JCPOA, I will vote no.” [9/4]
Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL)- “I understand and appreciate the passion and strong convictions that many people have regarding the non-proliferation deal. After immersing myself in the details, I believe that it is indeed in the national security interests of the United States. I will vote against a Resolution of Disapproval of the JCPOA and to uphold a presidential veto if it comes to that.” [9/4]
Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX)- “This agreement has the potential to position the United States and our allies toward a future of peace and security. Initial readings of the deal’s text indicate it contains stringent accountability measures that protect against the possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran. Congress will now have a say in how the United States proceeds, and I hope that my colleagues will take time to thoroughly and thoughtfully evaluate the details of the agreement our negotiators achieved.” [7/14]
Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA)- “We have the choice of two historic firsts. One, a never before seen inspections regime that assures us of a nuclear free Iran. Or two, America walking away from a deal that we negotiated with other world powers, abdicating our global leadership at a moment of crisis. There are risks with accepting and rejecting the deal. But the risks of rejecting it are too great. For the sake of our security, the security of our allies, and our position as a trustworthy global leader, I have concluded that we must support the Iran nuclear deal.” [9/2]
Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI)- “I have come to the conclusion that the United States and the world will be safer with the JCPOA than without.” [9/8]
Rep. Katherine Clark (D-MA)- “This agreement provides an unprecedented ability to look into Iran’s facilities and capabilities, monitor their compliance, and establish a solid path for the United States and the world to prevent Iran from ever obtaining a nuclear bomb. That is why I believe the JCPOA is in the best interest of the United States, Israel, and the world and will support it when it comes before the Congress for a vote.” [8/13]
Rep. Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY)- “I have come to the conclusion that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is the most effective means by which the United States and her allies can achieve the goal of preventing the Iranian regime from obtaining nuclear weaponry.” [8/31]
Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay (D-MO)- “I have concluded that this arms control agreement, while not perfect, clearly advances the national security interests of the United States and our closest allies, including the State of Israel. It has earned my support.” [9/8]
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-MO)- “My decision is to support the agreement and, if necessary, I will vote to sustain the President’s veto of that resolution. I am as comfortable with this decision as any I have previously made.” [9/9]
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN)- “I am convinced that it is the most effective way to ensure Iran cannot build a nuclear weapon. The agreement represents global consensus on that point as well, and its long term success relies on the ongoing support and hard work of all involved nations, who I am convinced will continue to work together to guarantee compliance.” [8/19]
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)- “After a thorough and careful review of the facts and deep, personal reflection and soul searching, I will vote to support moving the Iran agreement forward and to sustain the President’s veto if necessary.” [9/6]
Rep. Watson Coleman (D-NJ)- “While this agreement is not perfect, rejecting it would create far greater risks than accepting it. If we turn down this opportunity for broad and intrusive supervision of Iran, we would irreversibly undermine the international coalition that has worked for years to prevent it from obtaining nuclear arms and, in turn, risk strengthening Iranian hardliners who have resisted any negotiation.” [8/27]
Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA)- “My decision to support the JCPOA negotiated between the P5+1 and Iran is grounded in the hard reality that the alternative to this nuclear agreement is an opaque and unconstrained Iranian nuclear program hanging like the sword of Damocles over the security of the U.S. and our allies, including Israel.” [8/6]
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI)- “Americans strongly prefer diplomacy to the alternative of war. Today’s announcement is important step towards peace.” [7/14]
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI)– “Approving the deal would not only inhibit Iranian nuclear ambitions and promote stability in the Middle East. It would bolster U.S. diplomatic authority in the world and, potentially, set forth a wave of reformist energies within Iran.” [8/24]
Rep. Jim Costa (D-CA)- “I support this agreement because it is our best option, and the reality is we are not going to get a better deal.” [9/8]
Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY)- “I want to give this diplomatic path a chance. In 2002, I gave the then president the benefit of the doubt and he took us to war. With my vote, I am giving this president the benefit of the doubt to take us to peace.” [9/10]
Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD)- “Our past experience with Iran supports the conclusion that approval and implementation of this international agreement or commitment of our armed forces are the only viable paths to denying Iranian possession of nuclear weapons” [7/17]
Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD)- “I will support the implementation of the JCPOA by the United States when it is brought to a vote in the House of Representatives.” [9/1]
Rep. Susan Davis (D-CA)- “The Iran nuclear agreement creates a viable path to reducing Iran’s nuclear weapons capability now and for the future.” [8/26]
Rep. Peter Defazio (D-OR)- “I have decided that the agreement is the best option that the global community has to ensure that Iran will not develop a nuclear weapon and I will lend it my full support.” [8/6]
Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR)- “Those who are opposed say we need another deal, a better deal. There is no better deal, and there won’t be another deal…If we walk away, we walk away alone and Iran builds a bomb.” [8/25]
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT)- “Throughout the negotiations, I have insisted that the final agreement contain the highest standards to hold Iran accountable, allow for rigorous international inspections, and ensure that Iran will not have access to nuclear weapons. This agreement does that and is our best available alternative to military action.” [8/20]
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT)- “Secretary of State Kerry, Energy Secretary Moniz, President Obama and all the P5+1 negotiators should be applauded for their tireless dedication that got us to where we are today. In a region where armed conflict is all too common it is critical that we use our strength as an international leader to promote our interests, the security of our allies and prevent a nuclear Iran.” [7/14]
Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-WA)- “[The JCPOA] is our best opportunity to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon today.” [9/3]
Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI)- “If the deal goes forward, both the uranium and plutonium pathways to a bomb will be cut off, and we will have unprecedented insight and access to the Iranian nuclear program. If they cheat, we will know it, and current sanctions will snap back into place. And as President Obama has consistently said, nothing in this agreement takes the military option off the table if Iran’s violations were ever to reach that level. In the end, I have decided that I will support the agreement when it comes before Congress for a vote.” [8/24]
Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX)- “This agreement appears to mark genuine progress for all who believe that peace will make us more secure than war with Iran. The bomb-Iran naysayers for whom the only good deal is a dead deal will unceasingly raise obstacles, but ultimately reason will prevail and the President’s leadership will be sustained.” [7/14]
Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX)– “Those who think the only good nuclear deal is a dead deal only endanger our families. This week, I believe, reason will prevail. The President will be sustained and our families will be safer for it.” [9/9]
Rep. Mike Doyle (D-PA)- “After considering all the analyses and arguments, and after much reflection, I have concluded that the agreement, while not perfect, gives us the best chance of stopping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.” [9/1]
Reps. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Bill Foster (D-IL), and Mike Quigley (D-IL)- “We live in serious times that call for serious, if imperfect, solutions. The only deal that works for the U.S. and our allies and stops Iran’s nuclear program for nearly 15 years is the one before us. We urge our colleagues to join us in support of President Obama’s accord with Iran.” [9/9]
Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL)- “I am encouraged by the President’s comments this morning. Members of Congress have a critical responsibility to put politics and partisanship aside and carefully review the details of this agreement. My colleagues who condemn this proposed agreement without a viable alternative short of going to war are being reckless and irresponsible.” [7/14]
Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD)- “Since this process began nearly 20 months ago, I believed we must give diplomacy a chance. I salute President Obama and Secretary Kerry for their relentless pursuit of diplomacy with verification.” [7/14]
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN)- “The historic agreement reached today proves the power of engagement over isolation — we can choose peace over war. The world is safer thanks to the patient diplomacy and determination of President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and our P5+1 negotiating partners. In the coming weeks, the focus will be on the U.S. Congress to see if Republicans take this deal away from the world. We will stop those who want to push us closer to war.” [7/14]
Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA)- “I believe this agreement is the right path forward. To reject it would be a grave mistake for the United States, a repudiation of our allies in the effort, a danger to Israel, and further deterioration in the Middle East.” [8/3]
Rep. Elizabeth Esty (D-CT)- “I believe implementing this agreement – which is far from perfect – gives us the best chance to stop Iran’s nuclear weapons program. I will therefore vote to support the Iran nuclear agreement.” [8/25]
Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA)- “Give peace a chance. After two decades in Congress, this is the first time I will be able to vote for peace, not just against war. No other option stops the bomb and allows the world to give peace a chance.” [8/13]
Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA)- “I believe this historic deal is the most effective means to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Not only does the agreement keep Iran from developing the raw materials necessary to create a nuclear bomb, it also ensures that they will be unable to institute any covert weapons program for the next 10 to 15 years.” [9/8]
Rep. Bill Foster (D-IL)– “I do believe that voting for this deal will make it less likely that Iran will develop nuclear weapons. And voting against this deal, with no better options in sight, makes the potential for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon more likely.” [9/8]
Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH)- “The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is the strongest option we have to prevent Iran from continuing its nuclear weapon program. I agree Iran may not be trustworthy, but with the safeguards put in place through this agreement, it is appropriate to give peace and diplomacy a chance.” [9/10]
Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ)– “I have concluded that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) represents the best—and only—credible means of halting Iran’s nuclear program and preventing the Iranian regime from obtaining a nuclear bomb. For this reason, and after considerable research and reflection, I will vote in support of the JCPOA later this week.” [9/9]
Rep. John Garamendi (D-CA)- “We should work with the international community to enforce the terms of this deal and achieve our goal: an Iran that never acquires nuclear weapons. I will vote in support of the agreement, and I encourage my colleagues in Congress to join me.” [9/3]
Rep. Al Green (D-TX)- “While I do not believe that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action when properly implemented will bring peace to the world, I do believe world peace is better served with it than without it. It provides Iran, a country we do not trust, an opportunity to be nuclear-weapon-free.” [9/11]
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL)- “I am supporting the Iran nuclear agreement because I have concluded that rejection of the agreement is substantially more risky—for the United States, Israel, and the region—than adoption of the agreement.” [9/9]
Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ)- “The historic agreement struck today between the United States, our allies, and Iran is a triumph of international relations. President Obama, Secretary Kerry and our P5+1 partners have proven that there is a better paradigm for foreign engagement than the constant threat of military action: it’s called diplomacy. This deal is the responsible way to avert nuclear ambitions, and to ensure that we all share a safer and more peaceful world.” [7/14]
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL)- “This is a matter of war and peace. With the agreement, we are giving peace a chance.” [7/14]
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY)- “There is simply no acceptable alternative to this deal.” [7/30]
Rep. Janice Hahn (D-CA)– “After careful consideration, I am convinced that this agreement deserves support. It will prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, enhancing our national security and also the security and stability of the Middle East.” [9/9]
Rep. Denny Heck (D-WA)- “I strongly believe that the Iran nuclear deal is the best avenue forward to protect against Iran developing a nuclear weapon. As I have said repeatedly: there is no scenario in which the world is better off with Iran having a nuclear weapon. This agreement blocks any path to building nuclear weapons.” [8/17]
Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (D-TX)- “I have decided to support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) regarding Iran’s nuclear program. My decision followed similarly profound consideration of another solemn matter involving the war in Iraq and my decision to vote against the use of force in that conflict.” [8/14]
Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA)- “It is time to change the rhetoric, embrace diplomacy, and move away from unproductive saber rattling. I will vote in favor of this deal, in favor of a nuclear weapons-free Iran, in favor of opening up the Iranian people to the world, and in favor of changing the broken paradigm that for decades has failed to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions and bring a lasting peaceful solution.” [8/21]
Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT)- “I’ve arrived at the conclusion that the risk not doing the deal, that is the risk of walking away, significantly outweighs the risks of doing the deal.” [8/13]
Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD)- “Although it was a difficult choice, I have decided to oppose a resolution of disapproval, albeit with serious concerns.” [9/9]
Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA)- “I have concluded that the JCPOA is our best option for preventing a nuclear-armed Iran. I will vote to support the agreement.” [9/9]
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)– “After rigorous examination, I have concluded that upholding the agreement and affirming the diplomatic path that has been charted represents the best course of action to prevent Iran from weaponizing its uranium and plutonium stockpiles.” [9/1]
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)- “I believe the president and his diplomatic team have made a major effort towards peace. We should not dismiss this agreement based on our long standing conflict with Iran. I want peace. I know America wants peace. I also know the American people deserve safety and security and a Mideast that respects the right for the state of Israel to exist.” [7/14]
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX)- “After years of negotiating, the President announced an historic agreement with Iran regarding its nuclear program. I believe America and its international partners are taking an important first step in the right direction. In doing so, we are expanding the reach of our nation’s diplomatic powers and hopefully, eliminating the spread of nuclear arms. I applaud President Obama’s commitment to diplomacy and peace-building strategies and commend Secretary John Kerry and Secretary Ernest Moniz for their skilled leadership during the negotiations. I am hopeful that this deal will prove to advance the security for America and our trusted allies by curbing Iran’s nuclear program, so that we can move toward implementation.” [7/14]
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA)- “Now that an accord has been reached, Congress must decide whether it will choose peace and support the deal or choose conflict by voting against it. It’s a strong deal and Congress should stand behind it. We know that the alternatives look grim. I will be voting in support of this monumental diplomatic achievement and in support of peace. We have an opportunity to choose peace. It is time for Congress to be on the right side of history.” [7/14]
Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH)- “This agreement strives to move Iran further away from developing a nuclear weapon. It could greatly reduce Iran’s stockpile and enrichment capability, and requires the conversion of the previously-secretive Fordo facility into a nuclear, physics and technology center. Even more importantly, this deal provides the continuous monitoring and oversight needed to verify Iran’s transition to a peaceful nuclear program. The world welcomes the opportunity to engage Iran with diplomacy, but our path forward must be marked by our vigilance and shaped by hard evidence.” [7/14]
Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy III- “I support this deal not because it is perfect or without risk. I support this deal because it is rooted in science and anchored by verification. I support it because it decreases the odds we will need to use military force in Iran and strengthens our position to do so if we ever must. I support this deal because it is the best means before us today to keep nuclear weapons out of Iranian hands.” [8/31]
Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI)- “ I will support the nuclear agreement with Iran. I have ultimately determined it will make the world a safer place and is in the best interest of the U.S., our allies, and the global community. Ultimately, this deal prevents Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. And if Iran cheats, we will know it.” [7/30]
Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-WA)- “The proposed agreement with Iran is historic, with the power to shape not only the Middle East but the entire world. As a dad of two little girls, I want us to take a path that will make it less likely that Iran ever develops a nuclear weapon and that protects America and its allies abroad. With that in mind, my sincere hope is that all members of Congress will take a deep breath, review the details of this accord, and make a fully informed judgment. I intend to use the next sixty days to carefully review this agreement to make sure it puts us on a path toward a safer and more peaceful world.” [7/14]
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ)- “I will support this agreement because it blocks Iran’s path to a nuclear weapon, protects Israel and launches a historic diplomatic agreement that prepares us for the future in an increasingly volatile world.” [9/9]
Rep. Ann Kuster (D-NH)- “This agreement achieves my number one goal—to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon—and that is why I plan to vote in support of the Agreement next week in the House of Representatives.” [9/3]
Rep. Jim Langevin (D-RI)- “I believe that this agreement, carefully crafted with our negotiating partners and allies, presents the best chance to limit Iran’s nuclear ambitions and protect the security of the United States and our allies in the Middle East and around the world. That is why I have decided to support the JCPOA.” [9/9]
Rep. Barbara Lawrence (D-MI)- “This agreement is our best option for ensuring that we live in a world where Iran does not have a nuclear bomb.” [8/24]
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)- “Today’s announced deal with Iran, if fully implemented, will prevent an Iranian nuclear weapon while ensuring greater stability in the Middle East. I applaud President Obama, Secretary Kerry and our P5+1 partners for their tireless work to obtain a deal that promotes global peace and security. I hope my Republican colleagues will put partisan politics aside and support this deal instead of pushing us one step closer to another war.” [7/14]
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)- “After this lengthy period of review, consultation, and reflection, I have concluded that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) represents the best and surest means of achieving the goal of preventing the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran.” [9/4]
Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI)- “I believe the Agreement offers the best option to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Israel’s security has and always will be of critical importance to me and our country. I believe that Israel, the region, and the world are far more secure if Iran does not move toward possession of a nuclear weapon. I believe the Agreement is the best way to achieve that.” [7/28]
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)- “Today President Obama announced an historic agreement with Iran negotiated by Secretary Kerry, Secretary Moniz, and the other P5+1 nations. I applaud President Obama’s leadership and commitment to peace and diplomacy. I hope that future presidents and other leaders will be able to build upon this effort to bring greater stability to the Middle East, which is in the best interest of the United States, Israel, and the entire world community.” [7/14]
Rep. Dave Loebsack (D-IA)– “Without any meaningful alternative, I have decided that I will support the deal and vote in favor of it moving forward. Combined with other options that remain on the table if Iran does not comply with the agreement, this framework, which is far from perfect, is a beginning and presents the best path forward to ensuring Iran does not develop nuclear weapons.” [9/4]
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)- “In my view, this agreement is the best option we have to prevent Iran from securing a nuclear weapon.” [8/26]
Rep. Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)- “I have decided to support the JCPOA agreement because I believe it is the best chance we have at preventing a nuclear-armed Iran. I believe that this agreement is in the best security interests of my constituents, our nation, for Israel, and the world. Iran must never have a nuclear weapon and the world cannot tolerate a nuclear-armed Iran. This agreement is the best method to accomplish that without the use of military force and the catastrophic violence this would unleash.” [8/26]
Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM)- “I have said that a negotiated agreement forged with our international partners is the best option to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear capabilities. I still believe that. However, I am cognizant that this is still an agreement between adversaries. Our job in Congress is to scrutinize the details to ensure this deal is in the best interest of the United States and our allies.” [7/14]
Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM)- “I believe that supporting the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action represents the only viable and responsible option to hold Iran accountable and to halt its pursuit of nuclear weapons.” [9/4]
Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN)- “This agreement is the only alternative to an escalating, dangerous nuclear arms race that threatens the security of the American people. If Congress decides to disapprove of the agreement I will vote to sustain President Obama’s veto.” [7/14]
Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA)- “The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is an extremely well-conceived arms agreement that does exactly what needs to be done when it comes to preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. It is a strong, verifiable deal that advances our security interests and those of our allies. Needless to say, I will vote enthusiastically in support of the agreement.” [8/27]
Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA)- “Today’s historic nuclear agreement between the U.S. and Iran is a major step forward for American diplomacy. With this agreement we have an opportunity to avert the unthinkable alternative of yet another war in the region and advance the broader goal of containing nuclear weapons globally. Along with my colleagues in Congress, I look forward to carefully reviewing the agreement and having a robust debate.” [7/14]
Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA)- “With this agreement, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to block Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and significantly strengthen global security. When this agreement comes before Congress I will support it. I urge my colleagues to join me.” [8/5]
Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-CA)- “I support this agreement because I believe the security of the United States will be better served if it is accepted by Congress. Standing together with our international partners, this agreement takes significant steps to deter Iran from building a nuclear weapon.” [8/20]
Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY)– “I have decided to support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) because it is in the security interest of the United States, Israel, and the global community.” [8/31]
Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI)- “The historic nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 is an important achievement for international diplomacy and U.S.-Iran relations. Secretary of State John Kerry and his team were successful in negotiating an accord that verifiably prevents Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon through a series of vigorous and unprecedented transparency measures. The agreement is by no means perfect, but I support it because it’s the only thing standing in the way of Iran developing a nuclear weapon.” [8/17]
Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA)- “As a combat veteran who has seen fellow Americans killed in Iraq by the weapons and influence of the Iranian regime, I understand firsthand the threat Iran poses. Taking military action against Iran would only set Iran’s nuclear program back five years at most, reaffirm their pursuit of a nuclear weapon, and drive the program underground. It is not a perfect deal… That being said, it is by far the best viable option before us.” [8/1]
Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA)– “No deal is perfect, especially one negotiated among adversaries. But, in our ongoing confrontation with a great threat to world peace, we have found the best available option by peaceful means rather than pursuing a worse option through war.” [8/24]
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)- “I have concluded that this Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is the best option available to block Iran from having a nuclear bomb. For these reasons, I will vote in favor of this deal.” [9/2]
Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-FL)– “I cannot let possibilities a decade or more in the future, however troubling, outweigh the immediate benefits of this agreement.” [8/31]
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)- “I have concluded that, of all the alternatives, approval of the JCPOA, for all its flaws, gives us the best chance of stopping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Accordingly, I will support the agreement and vote against a Resolution of Disapproval.” [8/21]
Rep. Stacey Newman (D-MO)– “The finalized deal will not only greatly enhance American and regional security by preventing Iran from building a nuclear weapon, it will also eliminate a source of great tension between the U.S. and Iran.” [7/5]
Rep. Rick Nolan (D-MN)- “This agreement best positions the United States and our allies to deal with Iran’s continuing challenge to our security, and the world’s.” [8/24]
Rep. Rick Nolan (D-MN)- “An agreement with Iran to prevent development of nuclear weapons is clearly preferable to doing nothing while Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons, or worse yet, launching a new war in the Middle East that would cost trillions of dollars and thousands of precious lives.” [7/14]
Rep. Eleanor Norton (D-DC)- “The deal would be difficult to attack head-on considering its air-tight qualities, such as continuous international monitoring of Iraq’s nuclear program by the International Atomic Energy Agency, daily access to all facilities, including military facilities, among others.” [7/14]
Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ)- “I will vote in support of the agreement between the United States, our international partners, and Iran because it is the most effective means available to monitor Iran’s nuclear program and peacefully prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.” [9/4]
Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ)– “Supporting the JCPOA is the best course of action for our nation, our allies, and to prevent the development of an Iranian nuclear bomb.” [9/8]
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)- “A nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable to the United States, unacceptable to Israel, and unacceptable to the world. Aggressive restrictions and inspections offer the best long-term plan to stop Iran from building a nuclear weapon. Congress will closely review the details of this agreement.” [7/14]
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)- “I’ve closely examined this document, and it will have my strong support. [It’s] a good product. Not only better than the status quo, not only the best possible option, but a strong, effective proposal for keeping the peace and stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.” [7/16]
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)- The deal is “a diplomatic masterpiece.” [7/30]
Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO)- “This is a positive step toward reducing the nuclear threat that exists in the Middle East and gives peaceful diplomacy a chance to succeed.” [7/14]
Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO)– “I support the Iran Agreement negotiated by the United States, Germany, China, United Kingdom, France, Russia, the European Union and Iran. The U.S. and its international partners have committed to a diplomatic solution that I believe reduces and limits Iran’s ability to develop or manufacture nuclear weapons and is in America’s best interests.” [8/27]
Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA)– “It is clear to me the JCPOA is our best tool to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon for at least the next 15 years. I will vote to support the agreement.” [8/27]
Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME)- “The best way to stop Iran’s nuclear weapons program is through a comprehensive, international agreement like this one. We will get a chance to talk about the details in the days ahead, but I hope my colleagues in Congress don’t let partisan politics stand in the way of approving what could be a historic deal to stop the spread of nuclear weapons.” [7/14]
Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI)- “It took years of difficult diplomatic negotiations to reach this deal and I will actively work to ensure my colleagues stand with the President and other world leaders who have signed onto this historic agreement.” [8/5]
Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO)- “I have concluded that this enforceable, verifiable agreement is the best available option to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. I will oppose legislation that seeks to stop the United States from participating in it.” [9/4]
Rep. David Price (D-NC)- “I am confident that this deal will verifiably prevent a nuclear-armed Iran and make the world a safer place. The JCPOA isn’t perfect, but it is remarkably strong in its surveillance and enforcement provisions. For the U.S. Congress to unilaterally reject the JCPOA would likely destroy the multilateral sanctions regime and leave Iran free to resume its nuclear program. Doing so would threaten not just our credibility on the international stage, but also our national security and that of our allies. That is not a risk I am willing to take.” [7/30]
Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA)- “Though this deal is far from perfect, I will vote to support the JCPOA…I have concluded that it is in the best interest of American and Israeli security that the JCPOA be implemented.” [9/10]
Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA)- “I have concluded that supporting the Iran deal is the best option that we have at this time to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons.” [8/28]
Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD)- “The JCPOA is not perfect, but with this deal we take the greatest weapons away from one of our greatest adversaries, and I strongly support its approval.” [9/11]
Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL)– “The JCPOA ensures that Iran will not be able to develop neither uranium nor plutonium weaponry, provides for monitoring and verification by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), requires verifiable steps forward to secure sanctions relief and includes provisions for accountability and enforcement. It is for these reasons that I am standing with the President in support of this agreement and, accordingly, why I will vote NO on any resolution of disapproval.” [9/1]
Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH)- “I believe this agreement is our best available option to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon, stringently monitor any nuclear activities with an independent, respected international agency and implement this deal with the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia and China as our partners.” [9/9]
Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA)- “I believe that the United States, Israel, and the world are in a stronger position with this deal than without it. This agreement is our best option to deny Iran a pathway to a nuclear weapon.” [8/26]
Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA)- “I have reviewed the #IranDeal in detail and believe it is the right path forward.” [9/10]
Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD)- “I have decided to support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action because I believe it will be effective in pulling Iran back from the threshold of becoming a nuclear weapon state.” [9/7]
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)- “I remain as committed as ever to ensuring that Iran never develops or obtains a nuclear weapon. It appears that the deal has met our goal: creating a verifiable, enforceable agreement that closes off Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon for decades to come. As the President has said all along, ‘no deal is better than a bad deal.’ However, it is also true that a good deal is better than no deal. It is clear that pursuing these negotiations was the best way to address the dangers that a nuclear Iran poses to the United States and our allies, especially Israel. I am glad that we insisted on giving diplomacy a chance. The alternatives to diplomacy risked tying the United States into another lengthy and costly conflict in the Middle East. Now that our negotiators have succeeded, I stand ready to make sure this agreement moves forward.” [7/14]
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)- “In the absence of a credible alternative, Congress should accept the deal and work with the administration to strengthen its impact.” [8/3]
Rep. Robert Scott (D-VA)- “A nuclear-armed Iran would be detrimental to the security of our allies in the region, and negotiators set out to reach an agreement that would prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon over the next decade or longer. After careful deliberation, I am convinced that we are much more likely to achieve that goal with this agreement than we would with no agreement at all.” [9/3]
Rep. Jose Serrano (D-NY)- “I firmly believe that the comprehensive oversight and restrictions put in place by this agreement will put the United States, and our allies, in the best position to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, and to act in case they move towards that goal.” [8/28]
Rep. Terri Sewell (D-AL)- “I have decided to support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). I did not come to this decision lightly, nor am I under any illusions that this agreement is not without its problems. However, I believe this agreement is the best multilaterally negotiated agreement we will get, and thus represents the most viable diplomatic option moving forward.” [9/9]
Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA)- “I have decided to support this agreement because I believe it ends the otherwise unmonitored and unrestricted continuation of the Iranian nuclear program and it halts the surely destructive effects of a nuclear Iran in the Middle East.” [9/1]
Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA)- “Despite years of harsh sanctions, Iran’s nuclear program continued to progress. It is clear that the only way to halt Iran’s program is military action or diplomacy. I choose diplomacy. Like all serious negotiations, compromises were made on all sides, but the final product of these negotiations is the most extensive nuclear verification scheme ever devised.” [8/14]
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA)– “I have concluded this agreement is the best available opportunity for a nuclear-weapon-free Iran.” [8/13]
Rep. Mark Takai (D-HI)- “I have consistently advocated for diplomatic solutions to our nation’s foreign policy objectives, and appreciate the Administration’s efforts to reach an agreement with Iran regarding their nuclear program.” [7/14]
Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA)- “Today’s historic announcement is a culmination of years of hard work by many people. While initial reports indicate that the agreement is what we sought, in that it prioritizes peace and safety over aggression and isolation, I plan to read the agreement in its entirety, confer with experts and meet with the Administration about how it achieves our goals.” [7/14]
Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA)- “This may be the most important issue I ever face during my time representing the people of the Inland Empire in Congress. I believe that our nation is safer with this deal than without it, and I will oppose any effort in Congress to block its enactment.” [8/11]
Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA)- “As a combat veteran and former member of the Intelligence Committee, I have been following this issue closely for many years. After a careful and detailed evaluation, I believe the deal struck by the Obama Administration is the best way forward.” [8/6]
Rep. Paul Tonko (R-NY)- “The agreement announced today is surely an historic development. It appears to reflect the framework that was announced in April, effectively cutting off every path Iran has to a nuclear weapon. I hope my colleagues in Congress will avoid the partisan politics-as-usual and work with the White House, the United States intelligence community, and nonproliferation experts to accomplish our shared objective of a safer, more peaceful world” [7/14]
Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY)– “I agree with the majority of Americans – that the Iran deal is an important step forward in dealing with a regime that is otherwise on the brink of developing a nuclear weapon. This agreement has the potential not only to avoid military action in Iran, but also to make our world safer and help protect our allies in the Middle East.” [8/19]
Rep. Niki Tsongas (D-MA)- “I do not believe Congress should reject this agreement, and I will oppose any effort in Congress to block its implementation.” [8/12]
Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)- “This agreement is the best path to achieve our goal – that Iran never obtains a nuclear weapon. Indeed, I firmly believe that, should Congress block this agreement, we would undermine that goal, inadvertently weaken and isolate America, and strengthen Iran. This agreement will roll back the Iranian nuclear program and provide us with greater ability to detect and more time to respond to any future Iranian attempt to build a nuclear weapon. For all of the reasons given above, I’ve concluded that this is an historic agreement that should be supported by the Congress.” [7/30]
Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY)- “After several months of deliberation, it is my deeply held belief that the JCPOA is the best option we have for preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon in the near term. I will support the agreement when it comes before the House for a vote.” [8/31]
Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN)- “I don’t know of a better deal. The ideal situation is Iran says we’re totally sorry, you guys are right, here’s all our stuff, we’ll never say anything bad about you again and we love the Cowboys. I think that’s what people think. They’re not going to do that.” [8/13]
Rep. Bonnie Watson-Coleman (D-NJ)- “I am encouraged by the administration’s efforts to use diplomacy to reach an agreement that has the potential to create a lasting peace and disarm one of the world’s most concerning actors. I truly hope that this agreement becomes a remarkable example of what we can accomplish when we pursue diplomacy and abandon excessive aggression.” [7/14]
Rep. Peter Welsh (D-VT)- “Preventing a nuclear Iran through a verifiable and enforceable diplomatic solution is far preferable to yet another war in the region. No one should doubt that Iran is a bad actor. It will not change its behavior overnight. But it is far superior for America and our allies to challenge the belligerent foreign policy and human rights record of a non-nuclear Iran than one in possession of nuclear weapons. I am optimistic, based on early reports, that the agreement announced this morning by President Obama includes aggressive and intrusive inspections.” [7/14]
Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY)– “This historic agreement is a victory for American diplomacy and international security. We now have a clear plan to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, which ensures a safer world and a more stable Middle East.” [7/14]
Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)- “I will support this international agreement because it will best serve America’s national security interests and it is built on verification with a robust inspections and compliance regime that will cut off all of Iran’s potential pathways to a nuclear weapon.” [8/7]
Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO)- “Our primary objectives are to prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapon, make sure Israel is safe and, if possible, avoid another war in the Middle East…this agreement represents a flawed, but important step to accomplish those goals.” [9/4]
Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)- “I will vote to support the proposed agreement concerning Iran’s nuclear program and against the resolution of disapproval before the Senate. My two paramount goals have been to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran and do so by peaceful means. I believe the proposed agreement, using diplomacy, not military force, is the best path now available to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran.” [9/8]
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)- “If this agreement is what the Administration says it is, it is a major, historic diplomatic breakthrough.” [7/14]
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)- “A nuclear-armed Iran would make the world more dangerous – that’s why Congress should unite behind this deal to block Iran’s path to a bomb.” [8/4]
Rep. Corrine Brown (D-FL)- “I have concluded that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action represents our best, long-term option to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon.” [9/2]
Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH)- “Americans prefer a diplomatic solution that ensures Iran cannot develop or obtain a nuclear weapon. It appears the agreement the U.S. and other U.N. Security Council nations have finally reached with Iran is the kind of durable and verifiable agreement that is far preferable to further escalation and possible military action.” [7/14]
Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH)- “This deal is not about trusting the Iranian regime, but instead working with our allies on comprehensive, verifiable restrictions to block Iran’s pathways to a nuclear bomb without precipitating another war in the Middle East.” [8/14]
Rep. Julia Brownley (D-CA)- “In the end, if we walk away from this agreement, there is little certainty the conditions will exist to get a better deal, and the risks to our national security are less with this deal, than with no deal. I also simply cannot ask our brave men and women in service to risk their lives while a diplomatic option is on the table. For these reasons, I intend to support the agreement.” [8/29]
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA)- “I have decided to support the agreement because this agreement pushes Iran further away from a nuclear weapons threshold.” [9/8]
Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE)- “This is a good deal for America, our negotiating partners and the world. That’s not just my view. It’s also the view of scores of American national security leaders and former senior officials, as well as many of their Israeli counterparts.” [8/28]
Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN)- “I owe it to the men and women of our Armed Forces and to the people of Indiana to have exhausted every other option to stop Iran before we would consider putting any of our servicemembers in harm’s way. “That is why, despite having questions about Iran’s intentions, I am willing to give this agreement the opportunity to succeed. While I share the concerns expressed by the agreement’s critics about what may happen 10, 15, or 20 years from now, I cannot in good conscience take action that would shift the potential risks of 2026 and 2031 to 2016.” [8/19]
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)- “The United States, working with our allies, has reached a historic agreement with Iran that, according to President Obama and Secretary Kerry, will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. I commend our negotiators for this critical effort. Finding a diplomatic solution will make our country, our allies, and the world a safer place.” [7/14]
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)- “We know the cost of war. We know it in human lives. We know it in the casualties that return. We know it in the cost to the American people. Given a choice between the invasion of Iran or working in a diplomatic fashion toward a negotiation so that we can lessen this threat to the world, I think President Obama made the right choice. I support this Administration’s decision to go forward with this agreement. I’ll be adding my vote to many in the Senate in the hope that we can see a new day dawning. In the hope, too, that like President Nixon, like President Reagan, and like other presidents before us who have sat down to negotiate with our enemies, at the end of the day we’ll be a safer and stronger nation because of it.” [7/21]
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)- “There’s no alternative to this agreement. If for some reason it does not go through, and Iran closes the doors on their development of a nuclear weapon, how could Israel or any nation feel any safer? Absent an agreement, we believe Iran will set out to develop a nuclear weapon. We can’t just let Republicans just criticize the agreement without at least suggesting what the alternative would be.” [7/24]
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)- “#IranDeal provides safeguards & inspections to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons now or in the future.” [7/21]
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)- “The agreement announced today between the world’s major powers and Iran is historic. It offers a verifiable, diplomatic resolution to one of our most pressing national security challenges. This is a strong agreement that meets our national security needs and I believe will stand the test of time. I stand behind the U.S. negotiating team and will support this agreement in the Senate.” [7/14]
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)- “I support the #IranDeal because Iran’s pathways to a nuclear bomb are blocked through the agreement.” [7/14]
Sen. Al Franken (D-MN)- “To take the extraordinary step of rejecting [the deal] – because of clearly unrealistic expectations, because of a hunger to send Americans into another war, or, worst of all, because of petty partisanship — would be a terrible mistake.” [8/13]
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)- “Our goal has been, and remains, to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. We have far more ability to achieve that outcome if we approve this deal.” [8/6]
Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM)- “I welcome the fact that this accord will prevent Iran from being able to build a nuclear weapon and threaten its neighbors and the world. This deal breaks each and every pathway to a weaponized nuclear device. I am optimistic that this accord is in the best interest of our nation and our allies. This deal sets the stage for a safer and more stable Middle East and a more secure United States of America.” [7/14]
Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM)- “Without a deal, Iran could acquire enough highly enriched material for a bomb in 60-90 days. With a deal, Iran must reduce its stockpile by 98 percent. It must cut its number of centrifuges by two-thirds. And it must allow 24/7 inspections and continuous monitoring of its nuclear infrastructure. This accord breaks each path to a weaponized nuclear device, including any potential covert effort. We should welcome each of those developments as major steps toward regional and international security. I am optimistic this accord is in the best interest of our nation and our allies. We must seize this historic opportunity.” [7/30]
Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI)- “While this agreement is not perfect, it has gained broad national and international support, including 29 top American nuclear scientists, of which six are Nobel laureates. This agreement is the best option to halt Iran’s nuclear weapon program.” [8/17]
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA)- “You say it’s a terrible deal, tell me what the alternative is. What is the alternative plan that makes Iran give up 98% of their enriched uranium, two-thirds of their centrifuges, allow inspections for the first time and dismantle a heavy-water reactor. The only plan that’s been put the table as an alternative is Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas saying ‘hey, you know what a war against Iran will only take two or three days. I think that’s a horrible idea if there is a diplomatic way to greatly disable their program.” [7/27]
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA)- “The Iran Deal takes a nuclear weapons program that was progressing forward and disables it for many years through peaceful diplomatic means.” [8/4]
Sen. Angus King (I-ME)- “The crucial question is not whether this is a perfect deal, but whether it is better than the likely alternatives. In my judgment, it is – and I believe our country, the region and the world will be safer from the threat of a nuclear Iran because of it.” [8/19]
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)- “While the agreement is by no means perfect, I have concluded that it is our best available option to put the brakes on Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon and that is why I will support it.” [8/10]
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)- “I am very encouraged by President Obama’s announcement this morning. Diplomacy is far preferable to war, and if this agreement can achieve its goal and in so doing prevent the United States from being drawn into another open-ended and potentially catastrophic war in the Middle East, that will be a monumental achievement.” [7/14]
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)- “The hasty critics of this agreement are long on scorn but short on alternatives… A workable agreement would not just buy more time; it can also buy new opportunities.” [8/5]
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV)- It would be “a catastrophe” to walk away from the deal. [7/14]
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV)- “The only other option is go to war, and I’m not ready to send our people into harms way again until people in that part of the world want to clean up their own mess. [I am] leaning very strongly toward voting to approve the nuclear deal with Iran.” [7/26]
Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA)- “After a thorough review of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, I have concluded that diplomacy remains our best tool to secure a nuclear weapon-free Iran. That’s why I intend to support the Iran nuclear agreement when it comes before Congress in September.” [8/19]
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO)- “It has become clear to me that the world is united behind this agreement with the exception of the government of Israel. I respect and understand those who oppose it but I have become convinced that it is more dangerous to Israel, America and our allies to walk away in the face of unified world-wide support.” [8/20]
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR)- “Today’s announcement is a significant milestone in the effort to preclude Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapon.” [7/14]
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR)– “The [JPOCA] offers us better prospects for preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and more tools and leverage to ensure that outcome. Therefore, when the Senate debates the Iran agreement after Labor Day, I will vote to support it.” [8/30]
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT)- “The best way to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon is through diplomacy, not war. At a time when the Middle East is awash in crippling violence, we have an opportunity to address one of the most dangerous threats to the United States and the region through a negotiation, and I congratulate President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and their team for the agreement that was reached today.” [7/14]
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)– “I am convinced that moving forward with this deal is the best chance we have at a strong diplomatic solution, it puts us in a stronger position no matter what Iran chooses to do, and it keeps all of our options on the table if Iran doesn’t hold up their end of the bargain.” [8/25]
Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL)- “No other available alternative accomplishes this vital objective.” [8/4]
Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI)- “I will reluctantly vote against a motion of disapproval because I believe that doing so will protect the credibility of the United States to hold Iran accountable to adhere to every single obligation in the JCPOA.” [9/8]
Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI)- “This agreement demonstrates the power of American-led diplomacy and establishes a strict and robust monitoring and verification system. If fully implemented, this deal will help control Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon.” [7/15]
Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI)– “I urge Americans to pay less attention to over-heated rhetoric and, instead, listen to our leading scientists, active and former military officers, diplomats, Nobel Peace Prize winners, and non-partisan experts who’ve studied the facts and concluded that this agreement is ‘stringent,’ ‘technically sound,’ and ‘the most effective means available to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.’” [8/18]
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)- “This nuclear agreement is consistent with the greatest traditions of American leadership. I will do everything in my power to support this agreement and ensure that America holds up our end of the commitment we have made to our allies and the world to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran. I will vote no on the resolution of disapproval and urge my colleagues to do the same. “Ensuring Israel’s security is of the utmost importance to me. I support this deal because I believe it is the best option to halt any Iranian nuclear weapons program and therefore to protect the State of Israel.” [8/23]
Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT)- “I congratulate President Obama, Secretary Kerry and the leaders of other major nations for producing a comprehensive agreement to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. This is a victory for diplomacy over saber-rattling and could keep the United States from being drawn into another never-ending war in the Middle East. I look forward to learning more about the complex details of this agreement to make sure that it is effective and strong.” [7/14]
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)- “It is very easy to say the agreement is not perfect. It is not perfect … But in the real world you do the best that you can do. Without an agreement Iran could have a nuclear weapon.” [8/6]
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)- “The alternative of not reaching an agreement, you know what it is? It’s war. Do we really want another war, a war with Iran? An asymmetrical warfare that will take place all over this world, threatening American troops. So I think we go as far as we possibly can in trying to give peace a chance, if you like. Trying to see if this agreement will work. And I will support it.” [8/7]
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)- “To my mind, [the JCPOA] is far better than the path we were on – with Iran developing nuclear weapons capability and the potential for military intervention by the U.S. and Israel growing greater by the day…I think it is incumbent upon us…to give the negotiated agreement a chance to succeed.” [9/9]
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)- “When this agreement comes to the Senate floor in September, I intend to support it. Rejecting this agreement would leave us with no credible non-military options for stopping Iran’s nuclear weapons program.” [8/6]
Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)- “I have determined that the imminent threat of Iran having a nuclear weapon outweighs any flaws I see in the international agreement. For this reason, I must support the agreement. For me, the decision comes down to this: without this international agreement, Iran will have enough nuclear material for a weapon in three months. With this agreement, and the international coalition committed to it, we have the opportunity to stop Iran from ever getting a nuclear weapon, certainly for at least 25 years.” [8/24]
Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT)- “After thoughtful deliberation, it’s clear the Iran Deal is the only option right now to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. “If we don’t do this agreement, we would be looking at accepting a nuclear powered Iran, or going to war with them. That would impact my kids and grandkids in a big way.”” [8/13]
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)- “Diplomacy is our best hope of ending the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran, far better than the alternative of escalating tensions & war.” [7/14]
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)- “The question now before Congress — the only question before Congress — is whether the recently announced nuclear agreement represents our best available option for preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. I am convinced that it does.” [8/3]
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)- “I’ve decided to support the P5+1 agreement with Iran, not because it assures anything on its own, but because — with persistent watchfulness and effort — it could open a new doorway in the precarious Middle East. I do not see a better credible option.” [8/18]
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR)- “I will vote to support the agreement.” [9/8]
Over 70 National Organizations- “This historic agreement is a victory for national security, for the American people, and people around the world. This agreement blocks any potential pathway for Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon. It accomplishes this not through trust or hope, but through ironclad, verifiable mechanisms, including an unprecedented inspections regime. And importantly, it resolves this pressing national security concern without resorting to military force and another devastating war in the Middle East.” [8/27]
Americans for Peace Now, CREDO, Democracy for America, J Street, MoveOn, NIAC Action, and Win Without War- “[The JCPOA] is an achievement of vigorous public diplomacy and follows from harshly learned lessons from the war in Iraq.”
Americans for Peace Now- “We heartily congratulate President Obama and his P5+1 partners, and their indefatigable teams of expert negotiators, for the historic achievement announced today – an agreement that, when implemented, will verifiably roll back Iran’s nuclear program, limit Iran’s nuclear activities going forward, and prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. The achievement of this landmark deal demonstrates that where there is sufficient political will, diplomacy can work – and can walk the world back from the brink of war. It is a deal grounded not on trust and goodwill but on far-reaching limitations on Iranian activities and intrusive verification mechanisms. Congress owes it to the American people to support this deal.” [7/14]
Americans United for Change- “In a major victory for diplomacy over war, a ‘comprehensive long-term deal with Iran that prevents it from obtaining a nuclear weapon’ has been reached between Iran and the P5+1, led by the United States. Americans simply aren’t buying the anti-diplomacy arguments being made by the same people who argued our troops would be greeted as liberators in Iraq, or Senator Cotton’s silly claim that war with Iran would be a cakewalk.” [7/14]
Arms Control Association- “The agreement will establish long-term, verifiable restrictions on Iran’s sensitive nuclear fuel cycle activities… If Congress somehow blocks implementation of this hard-won, balanced and effective multilateral deal, the United States will have broken from its European allies, the necessary international support for Iran-related sanctions would melt away, Iran would be able to rapidly and significantly expand its capacity to produce bomb-grade material; we would lose out on securing enhanced inspections needed to detect a clandestine weapons effort. The risk of a nuclear-armed Iran would thereby increase.” [7/14]
Atlantic Council- “The Iran Task Force of the Atlantic Council supports the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) announced in Vienna this week and applauds the bold intent and intense efforts of President Barack Obama and his team of diplomats and scientists who worked so hard to bring it to fruition. At the same time we support the JCPOA, we believe it is necessary to view the agreement with a clear-eyed, realistic perspective, wishing for the best outcome but also being prepared for less-favorable scenarios given past Iranian conduct. We hope that our colleagues in Congress will share this objective with a non-partisan appraisal of the agreement. This agreement is better than the alternatives if the JCPOA is rejected.” [7/17]
Center for American Progress- “The agreement between the P5+1 and Iran that constrains Iran’s nuclear program is a historic achievement for the United States and its partners. Iran’s nuclear program will now fall under unprecedented international scrutiny to ensure that Tehran cannot pursue nuclear weapons. It represents the strongest possible outcome for the United States and its partners, avoiding both the passive appeasement of Iran and the dangers of military action. It is the best way to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.” [7/14]
Center for American Progress- “The nuclear agreement gives the United States and its allies their best shot at reining in Iran’s nuclear program. It offers a longer delay than any military option and places restrictions on Iran’s nuclear activities that would be absent without an agreement.” [7/17]
Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation- “Americans support a good deal, and Congress must do the same. The announced deal: Increases the time Iran might ‘break out’ of the deal and obtain a nuclear weapon from two months to more than one year, provides the U.S. and the international community with ample time and capability to detect any potential violations of Iran’s commitments, stipulates an IAEA report by the end of the year on the possible military dimensions of Iran’s prior nuclear program, allows inspectors access to military facilities if they inspect suspicious nuclear activity, [and] places Iran’s nuclear program under lock, key, and camera, including its centrifuge factories and uranium supply chains.” [7/14]
CODEPINK- “We welcome the announcement of a historic deal with Iran that will make our country and the world safer by avoiding another disastrous war of choice in the Middle East. We salute all parties for their steadfast commitment to finding a diplomatic solution to this conflict. The American people have consistently supported this diplomatic path; now we must work hard to make sure Congress does not quash the important progress made.” [7/14]
Council on Peace and Security- “Although the agreement signed in Vienna between the world powers and Iran is not optimal, it should remove the immediate threat of an Iranian break-out leading to a nuclear military capability within a few months, as the situation without the agreement and prior to the interim agreement was evaluated. The agreement is expected to lengthen the break-out time to 12 months for at least 10 years.”
CREDO- “CREDO’s 3.8 million members have fought for years to stop Republicans from sabotaging diplomacy and starting a war with Iran. Every Democrat should go on the record right now in support of the deal, and pledge to defend it from attacks in Congress. Progressives will hold accountable those Democrats who vote to help Republicans sabotage the deal and start a war. Democrats in Congress are the only remaining obstacle to finalizing today’s historic deal. Republicans will try to sabotage the deal and take us to war, but they can’t do it without Democratic votes.” [7/14]
Daily Kos, MoveOn, United Church of Christ, Win Without War, and over 40 organizations- “We do not want to see the critical progress that American diplomacy has achieved… derailed by some in Congress who prefer military adventurism over diplomatic solutions. Your vote will determine whether the U.S. secures peace and cuts off Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon, or rejects diplomacy in favor of an unconstrained Iranian nuclear program and a new push for war.” [6/30]
Democracy for America- “It’s clear that this historic deal with Iran is a good one that will make our world safer by blocking every potential path Iran has to a nuclear weapon and keeping us out of yet another disastrous war of choice in the Middle East. We will work with our allies to defend this precious chance for peace and urge every congressional Democrat not to cave to right-wing efforts to defeat this deal and launch our country back on the path to war.” [7/14/15]
The Elders- “The Elders call on all those who continue to resist or work against this ground-breaking agreement to put aside ideological preconceptions, historical grievances and narrow political interests, and see it as a chance to further the wider aims of peace.” [7/14]
European Council on Foreign Relations- “Europe should use the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) announced with Iran as a catalyst to end a decade-long stand off with Tehran and endorse high-level engagement on regional security objectives.” [7/14]
Friends Committee on National Legislation- “Diplomacy has carved out a future that keeps Iran from the bomb, and keeps the United States from another catastrophic war in the Middle East. In September, members of Congress will have a choice as to whether to support or reject this landmark accord. A clear majority of the American people and national security and non-proliferation experts are calling on members of Congress to support, not sabotage, this historic accomplishment.” [7/14]
Global Zero- “The agreement between the P5+1 and Iran ensures the number of nuclear-armed countries will not grow to ten. It is a significant breakthrough in global arms control. It immediately reduces the threat that nuclear weapons will be used. It dramatically rolls back the Iranian nuclear program. This deal is good for the security of the United States, its allies and the world. There are no better or more effective alternatives. We urge Congress to move swiftly to support this deal.” [7/14]
International Crisis Group- “Any attempt to renegotiate the accord will torpedo it. Thirteen years of nuclear tensions and intermittent talks to resolve them have made clear that no better agreement is possible; the only alternative to endorsing this one is renewed crisis and, potentially, an escalation that could spiral out of control. Accordingly, we urge the U.S. Congress… to promptly review and approve this accord.” [7/14]
Jewish Voice for Peace- “The P5+1 have hammered out a deal with the Iranian government. It’s a remarkable achievement, and it shows that real progress comes through negotiation, not violence. Polls show that Americans overwhelmingly favor a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear ambitions. A majority of American Jews support diplomacy, too, so we can’t let those who oppose this deal pretend they speak for the American Jewish community. We’ve come too far to give up now. This deal is an incredible opportunity to prove that peace comes from negotiation, not endless war. We can’t let this chance go to waste.” [7/14]
J Street- “It will be important for Congress to carefully review this agreement on its merits and at the same time be mindful of the likely consequences of its rejection: a collapse of diplomacy and international sanctions as Iran pushes forward with a nuclear program unimpeded. Following our own review of the agreement, we expect to call on Congress to support the deal as the best—if not only—means of ensuring that Iran does not develop nuclear weapons.” [7/14]
Just Foreign Policy- “This is a good deal for America that makes the world safer by blocking potential Iranian pathways to a nuclear weapon, thereby removing any excuse for another disastrous war of choice. As Congress reviews the deal over the next two months, we will defend the deal and challenge Democrats and war-skeptic Republicans to defend it as well.” [7/14]
MoveOn.org- “MoveOn members are going to fight like hell to defend it and to stop opponents from dragging the U.S. into yet another costly, deadly war of choice. Today is a historic foreign policy success for the Obama administration, demonstrating the efficacy of skilled, principled diplomacy in resolving international disputes. We call on every member of Congress to support this agreement. Persuading senators and representatives to do so will be MoveOn members’ top priority over the next 60 days.” [7/14]
National Iranian American Council- “With a nuclear deal in hand, we who urged that the U.S. and Iran must give diplomacy a chance have been proven right. Peace was possible, provided that the right policies were adopted and backed with sufficient political will. Make no mistake: if Congress rejects this good deal with Iran, there will be no better deal forthcoming and Congress will be left owning an unnecessary war.” [7/14]
National Jewish Democratic Council- “The deal accomplishes the core goals of negotiations and will ultimately lead to a safer and more secure region. This was a deal aimed at halting Iran’s march towards a nuclear weapon, and we find it will do exactly that. In the coming weeks, Congress will have an opportunity to give the deal a fair inquiry, and all members of Congress should be given sufficient time to make their own decisions based on hearings and briefings. We look forward to working with lawmakers to ensure that this deal moves forward in an appropriate manner.” [7/17]
National Security Network- “The comprehensive joint plan of action (CJPoA) announced July 14th between the P5+1 nations and Iran represents a major step toward the goal of preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and, rigorously implemented, will make America safer. There is no doubt that the world is safer with the agreement than without it. Congress should consider the deal on its merits, without prejudgment.” [7/14]
NIAC Action- “After over three years of hostility, and nearly three years of painstaking negotiations, the U.S. and Iran have agreed to a historic deal to put PEACE on the table. If Congress approves the deal, war can be taken off the table, sanctions can be lifted, and new opportunities for peace can be explored between the Iranian and American people.” [7/14]
Other98- “This deal is proof that we don’t need to resort to war to solve international disputes – and that’s bad news for the biggest warhawks in DC. The truth is, Republicans don’t want diplomacy to work. They want another costly war like the one they started in Iraq in 2003. If we can get enough Democrats on record in support of the deal to sustain President Obama’s veto, we can beat back any efforts to blow up diplomacy.” [7/14]
Pax Christi International- “Pax Christi International applauds this important diplomatic accomplishment as a critical step toward nuclear non-proliferation and, ultimately, nuclear abolition. Pax Christi International again congratulates the negotiators on their landmark accomplishment. We urge full support for this agreement and pray that its successful implementation will be a turning point for all nations away from the acquisition, possession, or modernization of nuclear weapons and toward their abolition worldwide.” [7/14]
Peace Action- “This historic agreement… will ensure Iran will not produce a nuclear weapon, making the U.S. and the world safer. This agreement will keep Iran at least a year away from having the fissile material needed to make a crude nuclear weapon for at least ten years. Without an agreement, that timeline shrinks to three months and the threat of war increases dramatically. Voting against the accord would be very short sighted.” [7/14]
Ploughshares Fund- “This is a very good deal. It is a major victory for American national security. We have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to stop Iran from building a nuclear bomb, without putting a single U.S. soldier in harm’s way. But we haven’t crossed the finish line yet. Congress will now give it a review, and a majority of nuclear security and policy experts agree that this deal deserves its full support.” [7/14]
Physicians for Social Responsibility- “This agreement will curb Iran’s ability to obtain nuclear weapons capability by blocking all pathways to the bomb, in exchange for the easing of economic sanctions. Without an agreement in place, the result would likely be yet another crisis, or even new nuclear-armed states in the region. PSR members across the United States will be urging their elected representatives to support the Iran agreement.” [7/14]
Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans- “The diplomatic agreement could be a breakthrough for Americans and Iranians alike, opening possibilities for greater people-to-people ties between the United States and Iran through cultural and educational exchanges. The results of PAAIA’s 2015 Public Opinion Survey show that both Iranian Americans and the American public at large are supportive of a nuclear agreement with Iran. Nearly two-thirds of Iranian Americans (64%) approved of the P5+1 framework agreement with Iran designed to place limits on Iran’s nuclear program, with eight in ten saying that President Obama has been effective in handling negotiations with Iran. Overall U.S. opinion also leans in support of a nuclear agreement with Iran by a two-to-one margin. PAAIA encourages members of Congress to carefully review the details of the agreement and provide constructive oversight towards its implementation, while avoiding any measures that may derail the international agreement, impede U.S. diplomacy and weaken our ability to maintain an international coalition cooperating on Iran’s nuclear program.” [7/14]
The Shalom Center- “The alternative to this agreement is war — a disaster for Israel, the whole Middle East, and the United States. Those who lied us into the Iraq war are pursuing the same disastrous path now. And this time the disaster would be even greater. A foreign-affairs disaster for the US, a domestic American disaster to meeting crucial civilian needs, disastrous deaths for soldiers and civilians in many nations, an ethical and moral disaster. I urge all our members and readers to call and write your Members of Congress and Senators now, urging them to support the new agreement.” [7/14]
Stop War With Iran- “This is the final showdown to stop Republicans from starting a war with Iran. The United States, Iran and five other world powers announced a historic deal to dramatically curb Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for easing international sanctions on Iran. Republicans are trying to sabotage the deal, put us back on the path to confrontation with Iran and start a war – but they can’t do it unless Democrats help them.” [7/14]
Truman National Security Project- “Many of us witnessed firsthand the damage done by an unnecessary war fought in the Middle East in the name of nuclear non-proliferation. This time, through tough American-led diplomacy, we have closed off Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon without risking American lives.” [7/14]
Union of Concerned Scientists- “The Iran Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action announced earlier today is an important achievement. Today’s agreement is a major step forward for nonproliferation and should be endorsed by the U.S. Congress.” [7/14]
United Church of Christ Just Peace- “We’ve come too far to let the Iran Deal and the chance for secure peace slip away. Urge Congress to support the deal.” [7/14]
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops- “[We] welcome the momentous agreement just reached between the United States and its P5+1 partners with Iran. This significant achievement aims to curb Iran’s development of nuclear weapons while allowing them to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. This agreement signals progress in global nuclear non-proliferation. The United States and its international partners have taken a remarkable step with Iran in reaching this agreement. We encourage Congress to support these efforts to build bridges that foster peace and greater understanding.” [7/14]
United Steelworkers (USW)- “The USW supports the Iran deal because it would enhance national and global security as well as benefit the U.S. economy. In the coming days, USW members across the country will be reaching out to their members of Congress to let them know that working American families are invested in the approval of this critical agreement.” [8/3]
USAction- “This is the final showdown to stop Republicans from starting a war with Iran. It’s a great agreement for the United States, but Republicans are already trying to sabotage it and put us back on the path to confrontation and war with Iran. You know the Republicans’ answer to everything is more boots on the ground — putting even more Americans in harms way. That’s why we need to speak out right now and urge Democrats to support diplomacy. The truth is, Republicans don’t want diplomacy to work. Just like they did in Iraq, the only thing they know is pouring more gasoline on the fire, instead of trying to put the fire out. We can’t let them start another war. Some Democrats in Congress have shown a willingness to back Republicans’ efforts to sabotage diplomacy. We need Democrats on record to stand with the President, to beat back any efforts to blow up diplomacy.” [7/14]
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation- “Have you noticed that the critics of the #IranDeal were also proponents of the war on Iraq? Tell congress you support diplomacy and oppose another horrific war.” [7/30]
US Labor Against the War- “The United States, Iran and five other world powers announced a historic deal to dramatically curb Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for easing international sanctions on Iran. We need to build an impenetrable firewall in Congress to prevent Congressional hawks from passing any legislation to kill the deal and putting us back on the path to confrontation and war.” [7/14]
Veterans for Peace- “The United States, Iran and five other world powers announced a historic deal, which will curb Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for easing international sanctions on Iran. We are thrilled that after months of negotiations a deal has been reached! Support the deal. We don’t want another war in the Middle East.” [7/14]
VoteVets.org- “This is the most important foreign policy decision facing our Congress since we decided to go into Iraq.” [7/14]
Win Without War- “This is a good deal and a historic opportunity to win without war. Unfortunately, Congressional opponents of ANY deal with Iran will stop at nothing to scuttle this agreement and put our nation on the path to yet another war in the Middle East. We have seen this movie before and we know how it ends. We will not stand idly by while those who pushed for war with Iraq try to push us into war with Iran.” [7/14]
Women’s Action for New Directions- “The United States and its five international partners have concluded an historic agreement with Iran that would block Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon, strengthen global efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, and minimize the prospects of military conflict between Iran and the United States. The nuclear agreement is good not just for American national security but for peace and security globally. This deal offers an opportunity to move in a new direction. We should seize it.” [7/14]
100 Former Ambassadors, including Amb. Thomas Pickering (ret.), Fmr. Amb. to Israel; Amb. Daniel Kurtzer (ret.), Fmr. Amb. to Israel; Amb. Nicholas Burns (ret.), Fmr. Amb. to NATO; and Amb. Ryan Crocker (ret.), Fmr. Amb. to Afghanistan and Iraq- “The JCPOA deserves Congressional support. We firmly believe that the most effective way to protect U.S. national security, and that of our allies and friends is to ensure that tough-minded diplomacy has a chance to succeed before considering other more costly alternatives. We are satisfied that the JCPOA will put in place a set of constraints and inspections that can assure that Iran’s nuclear program… will remain only for peaceful purposes and that no part of Iran is exempt from inspection.” [7/16]
70+ Nuclear Nonproliferation Experts- “If all sides comply with and faithfully implement their multi-year obligations, the agreement will reduce the risk of a destabilizing nuclear competition in a troubled region – giving time and space to address other regional problems without fear of an Iran armed with nuclear weapons—and head off a catastrophic military conflict over Iran’s nuclear program. Though all of us could find ways to improve the text, we believe the JCPOA meets key nonproliferation and security objectives and see no realistic prospect for a better nuclear agreement.” [8/18]
340 American Rabbis- “We are deeply concerned with the impression that the leadership of the American Jewish community is united in opposition to the agreement. We, along with many other Jewish leaders, fully support this historic nuclear accord.” [8/17]
26 Jewish Leaders, including former AIPAC official Thomas Dine- “While not perfect, this deal is the best available option to halt Iran’s nuclear weapons program.” [8/20]
51 Christian Leaders– “This is a moment to remember the wisdom of Jesus who proclaimed from the Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9).This agreement moves us further away from the possibility of war and another nuclear-armed nation. There is no question we are all better off with this deal than without it.” [8/24]
73 International Relations Scholars– “While the JCPOA is primarily a non-proliferation agreement that successfully closes off all weaponization pathways in the Iranian nuclear program, it carries with it significant peace dividends by making diplomacy and dialogue available for conflict resolution – a necessary step to tackle all of the region’s sources of tensions, be they terrorism, sectarianism, or unilateralism.” [8/27]
75 Former Members of Congress- “We believe that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action that the United States and our P5+1 partners negotiated with the government of Iran is the most viable means to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and protect the security of the United States, Israel and other allies.” [8/31]
72 Prominent Iranian Dissidents- “We urge you to adopt a new approach to security challenges of the Middle East by casting a vote for JCPOA and announcing your approval of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231. Such a move will constitute a precedent setting contribution to the resolution of international disputes through dialogue and diplomacy. The irrational animosity between Iran and the United States is a disservice to both nations and a major hindrance to the struggle for democracy in Iran.” [8/30]
Over 4100 Catholic Sisters- “The [JCPOA] provides an extraordinary opportunity for the global community to risk peace in a region that continues to witness the ravaging effects of violence and war as a modus operandi for addressing conflict. [9/2]
100 prominent American women- “Congress should fully embrace this successful negotiation and encourage the administration to use this momentum to seek other non-violent solutions to global conflicts.” [9/3]
254 progressive academics- “This agreement, if approved, will greatly reduce the chances of war with Iran and will enhance the security of Israel. A failure to approve this agreement will be a signal to the world that the US is not serious about avoiding war.” [9/2]
29 U.S. Scientists, including Richard Garwin, IBM Fellow Emeritus, Siegfried Hecker, Stanford University, and Rush Holt, American Association for the Advancement of Science- “We congratulate you and your team on negotiating a technically sound, stringent, and innovative deal that will provide the necessary assurance… that Iran is not developing nuclear weapons.” [8/8]
60 National Security Leaders, including Madeleine Albright, Fmr. Secretary of State; Samuel Berger, Fmr. National Security Advisor; William Perry; Fmr. Secretary of Defense; Admiral Eric Olson (ret.), Fmr. Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command; Amb. Edward J. Walker, Jr. (ret.), Amb. to Israel, Egypt, and UAE- “We applaud the announcement that a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has been reached with Iran to limit its nuclear program. We congratulate President Obama and all the negotiators for a landmark agreement unprecedented in its importance for preventing the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran. Though primarily a nonproliferation agreement, the JCPOA has significant implications for some of America’s most important national objectives: regional stability in the Middle East, Israel’s security, dealing with an untrustworthy and hostile nation, and U.S. leadership on major global challenges.” [7/19]
98 Prominent Hollywood Jews, including billionaire philanthropist Eli Broad; Walt Disney Concert Hall architect Frank Gehry; TV writer-producer Norman Lear; and Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner- “We strongly approve the proposed Iran nuclear agreement… Congress killing the deal would be a tragic mistake.” [8/12]
70 members of the European Leadership Network, including Des Browne, Chair of ELN; George Robertson, Fmr. Secretary General of NATO; Michel Rocard, Fmr. Prime Minister of France; Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Fmr. Secretary General of NATO; Volker Ruhe, Fmr. German Defense Minister- “We urge all the parties to implement it in good faith and call on all European states and the wider international community to support it. We believe that this agreement provides a sound framework for ending the crisis over the Iranian nuclear program and a foundation for re-integrating Iran into the international community. At the same time, the adoption of the document is just a first step in a process which must increase the level of the security of all countries in the Middle East, Europe and beyond.” [7/24]
7 Former Under Secretaries of State and Former American Ambassadors to Israel- “We are persuaded that this agreement will put in place a set of constraints and monitoring measures that will arrest Iran’s nuclear program for at least fifteen years and assure that this agreement will leave Iran no legitimate avenue to produce a nuclear weapon during the next ten to fifteen years. This landmark agreement removes the threat that a nuclear-armed Iran would pose to the region and to Israel specifically. No agreement between multiple parties can be perfect or without risks. We believe that without this agreement, however, the risks will be much higher for the United States and Israel. We see no fatal flaws that should call for the rejection of this agreement and have not heard any viable alternatives from those who oppose the implementation of the JCPOA. The rejection of this agreement could lead to the U.S. having to use military force without the support of other allies and without the understanding of the international community.” [7/27]
120 Democratic donors, including Guy Saperstein and Amb. (ret.) David Jacobson– “Lawmakers should have no doubt about the likely consequences of rejecting this agreement. The United States would be viewed as reneging on a done deal, almost certainly collapsing the multilateral coalition and sanctions regime against Iran’s nuclear program… That is a scenario which would put us back on a path to a nuclear-armed Iran, another costly military campaign—or both.” [8/3]
36 Retired Generals and Admirals, including four-star Marine Gens. James Cartwright, former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Joseph P. Hoar, former head of the U.S. Central Command; and Gens. Merrill McPeak and Lloyd W. Newton of the Air Force- The international deal blocks the potential pathways to a nuclear bomb, provides for intrusive verification, and strengthens American national security. America and our allies, in the Middle East and around the world, will be safer when this agreement is fully implemented. There is no better option to prevent an Iranian nuclear weapon. Military action would be less effective than the deal. [8/11]
Over 500 Iranian Americans, including Vali Nasr, the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies; Shervin Pishevar Co-founder, Sherpa Capital, Strategic Advisor, Uber; and Dara Khosrowshahi CEO, Expedia- “Diplomacy with Iran has the potential to do much more than prevent a war. It provides an opportunity for engagement between cultures, people, and ideas. While the government of Iran and the governments of the West have had profound differences, the people of Iran have a long history of tolerance… We urge you, our fellow Americans, to show your desire for peace and prosperity by supporting the recent agreement among the U.S., Iran, and other major world powers.” [8/11]
Israeli Former Generals and Former Security Chiefs, including Former Head of the Shin Bet, Ami Ayalon and Carmi Gillon, Former Deputy Head of the Mossad Amiram Levine, Uzi Elam – Retired Brigadier General, Head of the Ministry of Defense, former generals David Ben-Besht, Shlomo Gazit, Alex Tal, Aviezer Yaari, Amram Mitzna, Mendi Maron, and Danny Rotschild- “We the undersigned turn to the government of Israel to adopt a policy that will: Renew faith and strengthen diplomatic and security cooperation with the US government in order to prepare for the varied challenges which will arise from the agreement, first and foremost: To form an understanding of the procedures for monitoring and implementation of the agreement, and of the procedures in place in the case of a breach.” [8/3]
Madeleine Albright, Fmr. Secretary of State- “When the next president is elected, I hope that she will be in a position to make sure the deal is carried out. This agreement offers the opportunity to look at other parts of a bilateral relationship.” [7/16]
Madeleine Albright, Fmr. Secretary of State– “The United States will be in a far better position to shape events in the region with this nuclear agreement in place than without it. This accord is a bold stroke of diplomacy, and an opportunity we must not waste.” [8/31]
Graham Allison, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs– “The overriding objective of the United States has been to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb. This agreement achieves that objective by stopping Iran verifiably short of a bomb.” [9/7]
Graham Allison, the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs– “Having carefully reviewed the lengthy and complex agreement negotiated by the United States and its international partners with Iran, I have reached the following conclusion: If I were a member of Congress, I would vote yes on the deal.” [8/4/2015]
Yossi Alpher, Fmr. Senior Official of Mossad- “The Iran nuclear deal makes the Middle East a safer place in one extremely important dimension and for a reasonable period of time. If Netanyahu were wise, he would exploit the deal to Israel’s strategic advantage. Meanwhile, in the short term security is liable to deteriorate in other regional dimensions.” [7/20]
Yukiya Amano, Director General of the IAEA- “I am confident in our ability to do this important work. The IAEA stands ready to undertake the necessary monitoring and verification activities when requested.” [7/14]
Steve Andreasen, National Security Council- “The most likely alternative to this agreement is not some other agreement; rather, it is the unraveling of the international coalition in support of sanctions against Iran, less transparency into Iran’s activities, and a potential war between the United States and Iran. If Congress votes to kill this deal, the United States will be widely perceived as scuttling an accord negotiated over many years and supported by Europe, Russia, China, and much of the rest of the world. A verifiable agreement that Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful would provide a foundation for strategic patience and at least delay if not obviate such a fateful course. The technical details of this agreement matter. However, what matters at least equally is what is not written down on paper: Iran’s capacity to produce a nuclear weapon cannot be erased by any agreement; an agreement with Iran can buy valuable time; and war with Iran is perhaps the most likely alternative to this deal.” [7/21]
Kofi Annan, Fmr. Secretary-General of the United Nations– “The countries of the world can be grateful for the… hope that this agreement has brought. It is vital that tangible and early progress is now made on implementation, in particular on watertight verification mechanisms and the lifting of sanctions on Iran.” [7/14]
Ami Ayalon, Fmr. Director of Shin Bet (Israel’s internal security service)- “Reaching the agreement wasn’t a mistake. It is the best of the available options, even though it strengthens Iran as a troublemaker.” [7/16]
Fmr. Representatives Michael Barnes (D-MD) and Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD)- “We know of no viable alternatives to this agreement. Yes, there are risks to supporting the deal, but those must be considered against the grave risks that will be incurred should Congress reject it.” [8/31]
Robert Beckhusen, War is Boring- “Iran and the P5+1 coalition of six major powers have reached a historic deal to halt Tehran’s nuclear enrichment program. Worry not. It will take years for Tehran to rebuild its lagging economy. The biggest development is that Iran now won’t have a nuclear weapon.” [7/14]
Avishay Ben Sasson-Gordis, Molad- “Thanks to the talks, Iran’s nuclear program has been scaled back for the first time in over a decade. There is no better option. Netanyahu claims that the agreement places Iran on the nuclear threshold in ten years – but without the deal, it would be there by now.” [7/14]
Johan Bergenas, Stimson Center- “We shouldn’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Overall, the JCPOA moves the U.S.-Iranian relationship in the right direction and should be considered one part in a broader and longer-term conversation between the West and Iran on a wider range of security issues.” [9/7]
Azriel Bermant, Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University– “The JCPOA is deeply flawed, but its opponents have yet to come up with a convincing alternative to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.” [9/7]
Lance Billingsley, Friends Committee on National Legislation- “The Iran deal reached in Vienna is a historic diplomatic victory. If all parties uphold their commitments, this comprehensive agreement will keep Iran from a nuclear bomb and keep the United States from yet another devastating war in the Middle East. In voting for the deal, [Congress] will be siding with the majority of nuclear and nonproliferation experts supporting this deal, as well as the majority of the American people.” [7/13]
Barry Blechman, Stimson- “This is an historic agreement which stops Iran’s nuclear program in its tracks for at least ten years, and probably for many more. It includes all necessary technical measures to ensure that Iran is complying with its commitments, provides sanctions relief only as those commitments are demonstrated, and will make the U.S. and its friends in the region far more secure than they would be in any other scenario.” [7/14]
Hans Blix, Fmr. Head of the IAEA- “I think it is a remarkably far-reaching and detailed agreement. And I think it has a potential for stabilizing and improving the situation in the region as it gradually gets implemented. The alternative mind you, as Obama says, the alternative really is toward war.” [7/20]
May Boeve, 350.org- “The Iran deal represents the result of significant diplomatic effort, and such efforts build on one another. They restore trust among countries in resolving conflict through cooperation, and these are the skills we need to build as the world rapidly changes around us.”
Butch Bracknell and Adam Tiffen, Truman National Security Project- “Serving in the U.S. armed forces during a time of conflict was a real honor. It also gave us front-row seats to one of the most significant foreign policy blunders in American history: Operation Iraqi Freedom. Tough U.S.-led diplomacy to reach an enforceable, verifiable agreement preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon is essential to ensuring more of our fellow service members and frontline civilians are not placed in harm’s way in yet another ill-defined Middle East conflict.” [7/13]
John Bradshaw and J. Dana Stuster, National Security Network- “If there’s one thing that the nuclear deal’s opponents are correct about, it’s that a nuclear weapon would make Iran’s foreign policy worse. By cutting all of Iran’s paths to a nuclear weapon and imposing an intrusive monitoring regime, the nuclear deal ensures that should Iran pursue its hegemonic dreams, it will do so without the benefit of a nuclear shield.” [7/15]
Michael Breen, Truman National Security Project- “Keeping Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon is of central importance to American security. This agreement demonstrates the power of tough, principled diplomacy — and will make America and our allies safer and stronger if properly implemented and enforced. American leadership made this agreement possible. Through tough American-led diplomacy, we have charted a better, smarter course.” [7/14]
Des Browne, NTI- “The Iran negotiations themselves are an example of diplomacy and leadership overcoming extremely difficult problems. I have confidence that if we can verify this agreement, then Iran will be kept from developing a nuclear weapon for between 10 and 15 years. From that perspective, it is a good deal.” [7/14]
R. Nicholas Burns, Fmr. American Diplomat- “The reality is that it is a painful agreement to make, but also necessary and wise. And we might think of it as just the end of the beginning of a long struggle to contain Iran.” [7/14]
David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom- “The international community has delivered a historic deal with Iran. A deal which secures our fundamental aim – to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon – and that will help to make our world a safer place.” [7/14]
David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom- “I think that if there wasn’t a deal, I think we would face Iran with a nuclear weapon. And that would’ve given a terrible choice to the West of either enabling that, allowing that to happen, or a very difficult decision to take military action. So, this the better outcome. It keeps Iran away from a nuclear weapon. It’s a successful negotiation for the allies. And I think we should be proud of a good deal done.” [7/19]
David Cameron, Francois Hollande, and Angela Merkel- “We did not reach the nuclear deal in the expectation that Iran’s external policy would change any time soon. But it does address the threat from Iran’s nuclear program and may open the way to recognition by Iran that collaboration with its neighbors is better than confrontation…We are confident that the agreement provides the foundation for resolving the conflict on Iran’s nuclear program permanently.” [9/10]
Sister Simone Campbell, NETWORK- “For the first time in years, diplomacy had triumphed over military options. Finally. It is incomprehensible that any reasonably thoughtful person could oppose this historic step toward peace. After years of bloodshed and suffering, it is time we realize that diplomacy, combined with humanitarian efforts and economic development, are the real path to peace and stability. I agree with the president that it would be “irresponsible” to walk away from the Iran agreement. It would also be immoral. My message to Congress is this: Vote for this agreement so that people triumph over terror. Vote for this agreement so that peace triumphs over destruction. Vote for this agreement so that, at least in part, the community of nations is made more whole.” [7/16]
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter- “Today, the Iran deal provides the opportunity to address an even greater nuclear threat. Congress should support it because, once implemented, the deal will remove a critical source of risk and uncertainty in a vitally important but tumultuous region.” [9/4]
Asha Castleberry, the American Security Project, US Army veteran- “The Iran deal is the only option that will do the exact opposite of stopping Iran from building their first nuclear weapon. Instead, the deal will put the brakes on the buildup of the nuclear program while allowing the U.S. to snap back to its original robust economic sanctions if Iran decides to cheat.” [8/20]
George Chase, St. Pete Beach- “This deal marks progress and success, and it will be the legacy of President Barack Obama. While this deal may not be flawless, it is a monumental step in the right direction. It first and foremost significantly reduces the chance of war, which is a victory in itself for both sides. This marks the beginning of a long but promising path to peace.” [7/15]
Joe Cirincione, Ploughshares Fund- “The deal just struck by Iran, the United States, and five other world powers in Vienna is a major victory for U.S. national security. It shrinks Iran’s nuclear complex down to a token capability and wraps it in a permanent inspection and monitoring regime.” [7/14]
Joe Cirincione, Ploughshares Fund- “The nuclear agreement with Iran is supported by almost every nation in the world. It has the backing of nearly the entire American security establishment, current and retired. It enjoys the overwhelming support of nuclear scientists and policy experts. There is no credible alternative.” [8/23]
Hillary Clinton, Fmr. Secretary of State- “This is an important step in putting a lid on Iran’s nuclear program. In the agreement we have the access for inspections and the transparency that was absolutely necessary. As president [I would] be absolutely devoted to ensure that the agreement is followed.” [7/14]
Hillary Clinton, Fmr. Secretary of State- “You’re going to hear a lot about it in the weeks ahead, so please educate yourself. Speak out about it. We have to pursue diplomacy if we expect to be able to solve difficult problems with the rest of the world supporting us.” [8/10]
Hillary Clinton, Fmr. Secretary of State- “It is by no means perfect, but it’s an important step. I think the American people are going to want a president who supports diplomacy even with those who are our adversaries; to try to reach the kind of understandings that we have; but who will also get up every day and enforce that agreement, strongly and vigilantly.” [9/7]
Hillary Clinton, Fmr. Secretary of State- “Either we move forward on the path of diplomacy and seize this chance to block Iran’s path to a nuclear weapon or we turn down a more dangerous path leading to a far less certain and riskier future. That’s why I support this deal.” [9/9]
Avner Cohen, Israeli expert on nuclear issues- “It’s good because it contains the potential to drastically change the Israeli agenda and the Israeli condition. The removal of the ‘Iranian threat’ can provide a huge positive impact on Israeli politics and on the entire public agenda and quality of life in the country. That perhaps is the real reason why Netanyahu has been whimpering that the accord is a bad one. If the pact works, it could change all of our priorities and force us to deal with Israel’s real pressing issues.” [7/17]
David Cohen, CIA Deputy Director- Intelligence officers are “reasonably” confident that the terms of the nuclear deal would prevent Iran from cheating in a way that avoided international detection. “We would be able to detect Iran if it were trying to deviate from the requirements that they’ve signed up to.” [7/24]
Roger Cohen, The New York Times- “If implemented, the agreement constitutes the most remarkable American diplomatic achievement since the Dayton Accords put an end to the Bosnian war two decades ago. It increases the distance between Iran and a bomb as it reduces the distance between Iran and the world. It makes the Middle East less dangerous by forestalling proliferation.” [7/14]
Tom Collina, Ploughshares Fund- “After years of effort, endless plot twists, and highly charged political drama, the United States and its partners have reached a final deal with Iran to shackle its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. It’s a good deal that Congress should support. It’s time for Congress to rise above partisan politics and act in the best interests of the United States and the world. We have an historic opportunity to verifiably and peacefully prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb. Let’s take it.” [7/14]
Fmr. Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND)- “No agreement is perfect or foolproof, but this pact has the best chance of preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons short of an all out military attack.” [8/23]
David Cortright, Win Without War- “The nuclear deal with Iran is one of the most significant nonproliferation agreements in history. It reduces the threat of an Iranian bomb and greatly increases our ability to monitor Tehran’s nuclear program. It deserves the support of members of Congress. The claim that we can get a ‘better deal later’ is false. The American people want a deal with Iran. The choice is clear. Support the current nuclear deal or face a future of more proliferation and war.” [7/14]
Robert Creamer, Democracy Partners- “If the United States Congress derails [the] deal… international sanctions will collapse – the moderate, pro-western forces in Iran will be discredited in Iran – the hardliners in Iran will be empowered – and Iran will be free to develop a nuclear weapon. If somehow the agreement is actually blocked by Congress, the Members whose votes are responsible will – like their predecessors in 2002 – regret those votes for the rest of their lives.” [7/14]
E.J. Dionne Jr., Georgetown University– “President Obama and his allies are right to say that the dangers of having the agreement blocked by Congress are much higher than the risks of trying to make it work.” [8/30]
James F. Dobbins, RAND corporation– “Seldom has the nation faced a starker choice between responsible international leadership and unilateralism.” [9/7]
Matthew Duss, Foundation for Middle East Peace- “The historic nuclear deal announced Tuesday in Vienna between the U.S. and its P5+1 partners and Iran demonstrates an alternative vision of the use of American power. It shows that our security and the security of our partners can be effectively advanced through multilateral diplomacy, and proves once again the importance of U.S. global leadership in addressing shared problems. The Vienna agreement is a victory for a better vision of foreign policy.” [7/14]
Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton (Ret.)- “The choice is stark, and clear. Either Congress supports the nuclear deal with Iran, or there will be war. For the security of the United States, and the wellbeing of the men and women who serve her in uniform, Members of Congress must support the tough deal struck by our negotiators, and Iran.” [7/14]
Robert Einhorn, Brookings– “I am biased, having served on the U.S. Iran negotiating team for five years. But I genuinely believe the deal is worthy of support.” [9/7]
Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago- “And I think the product of those negotiations, based on all the alternatives — bombing, you’re the only one with sanctions because the international coalition would fall apart — or a way that actually finally would get inspectors into Iran and dealing with the nuclear material. I would vote for that, because that’s the best alternative, and not only that, it is exactly the end point that the original coalition and sanctions were intended to produce.” [8/19]
Oded Eran, Institute for National Security Studies- “The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA) reached on July 14, 2015 between Iran and the P5+1 and the EU High Representative may ultimately prove to be one of President Obama’s greatest achievements.” [7/16]
Uzi Even, Professor at Tel Aviv University- “The deal that was signed is preferable to the current situation because it delays Iran’s ability to develop a nuclear bomb by at least 15 years and in practice ends its nuclear aspirations.” [7/16]
Joshua Fattal, Doctoral Candidate at NYU and Fmr. Detainee in Iran- “My distrust of the Iranian government is why I think a nuclear deal is the best avenue for the United States government. A nuclear deal would ensure international monitoring of Iranian centrifuges. Without a deal, we are left with the Iranian government acquiring and enriching nuclear material at will. An international accord that monitors the country’s nuclear program and undermines the government’s claims to double standards provides a glimmer of hope to mitigate the catastrophes unfolding in the Middle East.” [7/14]
Lawrence D. Freedman, King’s College London– “I can see only downsides to failing to give the deal support. Much of the American debate ignores the fact that the closest allies of the United States (France, Germany, and the United Kingdom) were all closely involved in the negotiations and are already thinking about what comes next. Without this deal, there will be no better deal—just uncertainty, the erosion of sanctions, and no inhibitions on Iran.” [9/7]
Chuck Freilich, Fmr. deputy national security adviser in Israel- “[The deal] is a compromise agreement that postpones an existential threat to Israel, opens the possibility for a strategic change in the Middle East and strengthens Israel’s security.” [7/15]
Thomas Friedman, New York Times- “The diplomatic option structured by the Obama team — if properly implemented and augmented by muscular diplomacy — serves core American interests better than any options I hear coming from the deal’s critics. I believe America’s interests are best served now by focusing on how to get the best out of this deal and cushion the worst, rather than scuttling it.” [7/22]
Akbar Ganji, Iranian journalist and dissident- “The nuclear agreement with Iran, which has imposed severe limitations on Iran’s nuclear program well beyond its international obligations, has ensured that even if Iran wanted the bomb it would not be able to produce it. Thus, it is an important first step toward a Middle East free of WMD.” [9/7]
Lt. General Robert Gard, Ret.– “It would be advisable for Washington to comply with U.S. commitments in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran. After all, agreements last only when all parties involved fulfill their obligations. If the United States is willing to uphold its end of the bargain, there may be long-term success with the Iranian nuclear deal.” [8/26]
Robert Gates, Former Secretary of Defense- “We must now face the reality that there are serious consequences to voting down the agreement or pulling out of it.” [8/5]
Francis Gavin, Professor at MIT- “I think the deal is a good one, both for the U.S. and the international community, and I have been puzzled by the concerns of the critics. Good diplomacy is rarely a one-way street, and when assessing the deal, people should bear in mind that the alternatives to not having a deal were unappealing. We must view the deal with Iran through a lens that understands the long and complicated history of nuclear proliferation and nonproliferation, the costs and tradeoffs required to successfully implement it, while recognizing the interests and views of other players, especially the potential proliferant. Viewing the deal through such a lens reveals how impressive it is.” [7/24]
Leslie H. Gelb, Council on Foreign Relations- “As for the heart of the nuclear agreement— for certain it is not perfect, but it does represent clear steps forward in holding Tehran to account on its nuclear efforts. All provisions regarding developing uranium or plutonium hold Iran way below where it is at present and where it’s been headed.” [7/14]
Fawaz Gerges, London School of Economics- “It’s a good day for diplomacy, it’s a good day for compromise, it’s a good day for a new beginning between Iran — a pivotal state in the Middle East — and the United States” [7/14]
Ali Gharib, The Nation- “Diplomacy prevailed over warmongering. Now there is a deal that without question reduces that grave threat, at least for a long-term period. These small rays of light shone through the ominous clouds that had hung over the Iranian nuclear crisis for a dozen years.” [7/14]
Ali Gharib, The Nation- “According to a survey released this June by the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans, a group that supported the talks, two-thirds of Iranian Americans were in favor of an agreement, and 6 in 10 of the respondents believe that political and civil rights will improve with a deal. Many Iranian-Americans hope a deal will help advance political reform and, perhaps, help end 30 years of enmity between the U.S. and Iran.” [7/16]
Ilan Goldenberg and Elizabeth Rosenberg, Center for a New American Security- “The nuclear agreement reached in Vienna creates an unprecedented opportunity for the United States to deter Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and increase stability in the Middle East. It is also a far better option than the realistic alternatives. The deal will not only reduce the possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran but also of possible military conflict.” [7/14]
Philip Gordon, Council on Foreign Relations- “A bipartisan group of experts and distinguished former U.S. officials, including some of my former colleagues from the administration’s Iran team, put forward a similar list. It will be interesting to see whether the signatories of the Washington Institute letter conclude the outcome in Vienna meets the necessary bar. On balance I think it does.” [7/15]
Kouhyar Goudarzi, Iranian human rights activist- “[‘Why are you supporting the Iranian deal?’] Because I believe it’s in everyone’s interest – Iranian people and the global society. Talking – that’s the point from which all real changes start.” [8/27]
Lisbeth Gronlund, Union of Concerned Scientists- “The agreement puts strong, verifiable restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program, and the U.S. Congress should endorse it.” [8/5]
Richard Gunther and Luis Lainer, Americans for Peace Now- “We’ve been told that an Iran with nuclear weapons would pose not only a grave threat to Israel, but an imminent threat to Israel’s existence. For this reason, for more than a decade we’ve been pressing U.S. presidents and Congress to take action to address this threat. The Iran nuclear agreement achieved by the United States and its negotiating partners does just that. As American Jews who are deeply connected to and supportive of Israel, we support this deal, and urge our community leaders and elected officials to do the same.” [7/29]
Efraim Halevy, Fmr. head of the Mossad- “Without an agreement, Iran will be free to do as it pleases, while the sanctions regime will anyway crumble, as many of the world’s countries will rush to Tehran to sign profitable contracts. Iran made concessions in a series of critical matters. A moment before we storm Capitol Hill, led by the Israeli ambassador to Washington, it’s important to hold a profound debate in Israel on whether no agreement is preferable to an agreement which includes components that are crucial for Israel’s security. There will be no other agreement and no other negotiations. What is better, a signed agreement or no agreement?” [7/20]
Efraim Halevy, Fmr. head of the Mossad- “I think the United States scored a great success in creating this international coalition to face down the nuclear threat. This is not a perfect agreement, but when you negotiate, you win some and you lose some.” [7/31]
Philip Hammond, U.K. Foreign Secretary- “After more than a decade of tough negotiations we have reached an historic agreement that will impose strict limits and inspections on Iran’s nuclear programme. Having reached this important agreement, our focus will now be on its swift and full implementation to make sure that a nuclear weapon remains beyond Iran’s reach. We hope, and expect, that this agreement will herald a step-change in Iran’s relations with its neighbours and with the international community.” [7/14]
Philip Hammond, U.K. Foreign Secretary- “We wouldn’t have agreed to the deal unless we were sure that it had robust measures in place to deliver effective oversight on Iran’s nuclear program. This is the best and maybe to only way to build the trust that will allow a dialogue on the many other issues we have in Iran” [7/16]
William Hartung, Center for International Policy- “The historic Iran nuclear deal is a positive development in its own right. This is a huge step away from the ill-considered calls for military action against Iran that have emanated from U.S. neoconservatives. It’s good for America, good for Iran, and good for the region.” [7/14]
Nader Hashemi, Center for Middle East Studies- “The agreement is good for the Iranian people. The easing of sanctions will benefit the Iranian middle class and civil society, which comprises the core support base for Iran’s pro-democracy movement. a more nuanced perspective is needed. And that means realizing that this nuclear deal represents a historic defeat for Iranian foreign policy — and that it potentially opens the door for the revival of Iran’s pro-democracy movement. A more nuanced perspective is needed. And that means realizing that this nuclear deal represents a historic defeat for Iranian foreign policy — and that it potentially opens the door for the revival of Iran’s pro-democracy movement.” [7/17]
Laicie Heeley, Stimson- “The U.S. and its international partners have delivered a strong deal. Under this deal, the American people and the populations of our closest allies will be safer and more secure, since Iran’s nuclear program will remain verifiably constrained. Congress should look favorably upon this agreement, which has achieved the aims it set out to obtain, and more.” [7/14]
Ariela Ringel Hoffman- “It turns out that there are a number of Israeli experts who think otherwise and who are also willing to say so. They are aware of the weak points of the agreement, the negative developments that it enables, but on the other hand, they point out the advantages of the new situation that has been created and the potential for positive change.” [7/17]
Francois Hollande, President of France- “It’s a very important deal that was signed overnight, the world is making headway.” [7/14]
Fmr. Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman (D-NY)- “I respectfully urge members of Congress to vote for the Iran nuclear agreement…This is the best way to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of the Iranian government and avoid another costly and tragic war in the Middle East.” [8/31]
Jacques E. C. Hymans, University of Southern California– “The JCPOA is an appropriate response to this non-crisis situation. The most important achievement is the creation of a common front among the P5+1 and the explicit legal and diplomatic structures for identifying and dealing with any future Iranian noncompliance. The JCPOA also opens a door for the United States and Iran to try to build a more productive relationship at both the governmental and societal levels. Befriending Iran’s scientific community would be particularly valuable. The more we get to know the Iranians, the less we will fear them.” [9/7]
Meir Javedanfar, Israeli expert on Iran- “If Iran really wants a weapon, with Obama’s agreement we will have a one year waiting period for Iran to actually make one, if it decides to make one. OK – with this deal, it will be one year breakout period. With what Netanyahu is suggesting, which is the continuation of the current tensions with Iran until Iran completely capitulates…Iran would only need two months to make a nuclear weapon. So, what do we want to choose? A two-months warning period for Iran to make a weapon or one year? We want one year. And this is the situation. Nobody is trusting Iran, the Iranian regime. It’s not about trust – it’s about mistrust and verify.” [7/16]
Adel al-Jubeir, Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia- “We are currently in talks with the American government regarding these details, but it (the deal) generally seems to have achieved these objectives.” [7/23]
David Kay, nuclear nonproliferation and inspections expert– “This deal can be made to work. At a minimum, it will substantially increase the time it would take Iran to develop and deploy nuclear weapons and the warning time the United States would have if Iran were to move forward to gain nuclear weapons during the next fifteen years.” [9/1]
Scott Kemp, Professor at MIT and Fmr. Advisor at the U.S. State Department- “While the Iran deal is imperfect, it is also full of opportunity. The technical provisions of the agreement constrain the nuclear program to such an extent that Iran could not plausibly use it to make a nuclear weapon at any time during the next decade without being stopped by the international community. This is an important outcome.” [7/24]
John Kerry, Secretary of State- “The fact is that the agreement we’ve reached, fully implemented, will bring insight and accountability to Iran’s nuclear program – not for a small number of years but for the lifetime of that program. This is the good deal that we have sought. I will tell you, sanctioning Iran until it capitulates makes for a powerful talking point and a pretty good political speech, but it’s not achievable outside a world of fantasy. The true measure of this agreement is not whether it meets all of the desires of one side at the expense of the other; the test is whether or not it will leave the world safer and more secure than it would be without it. There can be no question that this agreement will provide a stronger, more comprehensive, and more lasting means of limiting Iran’s nuclear program than any realistic alternative. I learned in war the price that is paid when diplomacy fails. I believe this agreement actually represents an effort to avert an inevitability of conflict that would come were we not able to reach agreement. I think that’s what diplomacy was put in place to achieve.” [7/14]
John Kerry, Secretary of State- “[If Congress failed to approve the deal], the U.S. will have lost all credibility. We will not be in the hunt. And if we then decided to use military [after a deal fails], do you believe the United Nations will be with us? Do you think our European colleagues will support us? Not on your life.” [7/20]
John Kerry, Secretary of State- “We set out to dismantle their ability to be able to build a nuclear weapon, and we’ve achieved that. The deal we believe will make our country and our allies safer. We believe this is a good deal for the world, a good deal for America, a good deal for our allies and friends in the region, and we think it does deserve your support.” [7/23]
John Kerry, Secretary of State- “I believe, based on a lifetime’s experience, that the Iran nuclear agreement is a hugely positive step at a time when problem solving and danger reduction have rarely been so urgent, especially in the Middle East.” [9/2]
Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General- “I warmly welcome the historic agreement in Vienna today and congratulate the P5+1 and Iran for reaching this agreement. This is testament to the value of dialogue. I hope – and indeed believe – that this agreement will lead to greater mutual understanding and cooperation on the many serious security challenges in the Middle East. As such it could serve as a vital contribution to peace and stability both in the region and beyond. The United Nations stands ready to fully cooperate with the parties in the process of implementing this historic and important agreement.” [7/14]
Daryl G. Kimball, the Arms Control Association- “[The JPOCA is] a very strong, very comprehensive nonproliferation agreement. It puts in place a more stringent and intrusive verification regime that gives the International Atomic Energy Agency the tools necessary to monitor compliance and detect covert nuclear activity for decades to come. If Iran tries to cheat, it will be promptly detected, and we can respond to disrupt any such effort.” [8/16]
Daryl G. Kimball, Executive Director of the Arms Control Association- “The choice should be clear. The deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, is a very strong, very thorough nonproliferation agreement that will reverse Iran’s progress and stop it well short of nuclear weapons for a generation or more. Rejection of the agreement would transform a historic diplomatic breakthrough into a geostrategic disaster.” [9/1]
Richard Kirsch, USAction- “Graham and the rest of the hawks should know better. After all, they pushed us into the disastrous war in Iraq, proclaiming that it was the only way to get rid of weapons of mass destruction that did not exist. For once, instead of pouring more gasoline on conflicts, the agreement with Iran to derail their nuclear weapons program is a stellar example of fire prevention. The agreement blocks Iran’s pathways to nuclear weapons. The breakout time to develop enough material for one bomb will be four times longer with a deal than without one.” [7/24]
Col. Richard Klass, USAF (Ret.)- “If that agreement is rejected by Congress, not only will the sanctions regime be seriously jeopardized, Iran will remain within a few months of amassing enough fissile material to build a bomb, should it decide to do so.” [6/30]
Joe Klein, TIME- “Yes, the Iran deal is risky. But we have been taking all sorts of bellicose risks since Sept. 11, 2001. Almost all of our military ventures have failed. So many lives have been lost. It’s time, finally, to take a risk for peace.” [7/14]
Fmr. Rep. Mike Kopetski- “[The JCPOA] is one of the toughest nonproliferation agreements ever negotiated. If implemented, it will enhance the security of the United States and the world. The agreement is even stronger when judged against the alternatives, all of which would be riskier and likely less effective than the current deal.” [9/2]
Michael Krepon, Stimson- “Nothing will weaken America’s standing in the world or exhaust its armed forces and treasury more than fighting a second, unnecessary war in the Middle East to prevent a state from acquiring nuclear weapons. This deal provides an opportunity to prevent worst cases, while being prepared for them. Torpedoing this deal increases the odds of worst cases. It is wishful thinking to expect that a better deal will result from killing this one on Capitol Hill.” [9/2]
Michael Krepon, Stimson- “This agreement significantly reduces Iran’s capacity to build nuclear weapons for ten years or more. It contains effective monitoring provisions. It is far better than any of the alternatives before us. A divide over this agreement, mostly along partisan lines, and repeated attempts to block its implementation will diminish U.S. leadership, destabilize the Middle East, place even greater burdens on U.S. military forces and weaken the U.S. Treasury. Friends and allies of the United States in Europe and the Pacific need to know that they can trust in U.S. executive agreements. Friends in the Middle East need a bipartisan plan to address their concerns about Iran. Congress voted to rid Saddam Hussein of weapons of mass destruction that did not exist. Will it now vote against an agreement that verifiably limits Iran’s all-too-real nuclear capabilities?” [7/14]
Michael Krepon, Stimson- “A ‘nay’ vote by Republicans against the Iran deal can have grave consequences even if they cannot override a presidential veto. Division, mostly along party lines, is never cost-free on national security issues. If Republicans block implementation of this agreement, Tehran will be off the hook. The United States and its friends and allies will then face the worst of both worlds: an Iran that is under no obligations to limit its nuclear capabilities and that welcomes foreign investment.” [7/14]
Michael Krepon, Stimson- “The agreement the Obama administration and its negotiating partners have struck with Iran is better than any of the alternatives. Sharp partisan divides on national security issues always weaken U.S. standing and freedom of action, while being welcomed by America’s adversaries. A wiser course for the Congress would be to accept this agreement as far better than the alternatives, and to work with the executive branch to devise a bipartisan plan to curtail Iranian ambitions in the Middle East.” [7/31]
Daoud Kuttab, Palestinian journalist- “The benefits of such a deal outweigh the fear-based perceived risks. This is the first major breakthrough for international diplomacy. This agreement is a victory for the doves of peace and for common sense politics.” [7/17]
Ellen Laipson, President and CEO of Stimson- “Diplomacy – the long and hard slog of it – is one of the victors here. A negotiated agreement to change Iran’s policy and practice on issues with great regional security consequence could set a precedent for problem solving in a region where the resort to force is the default position. To make this agreement a truly lasting contribution to regional peace, all parties will need to support its implementation and Iran in particular could signal to its neighbors that it is willing to address other causes of tension and insecurity.” [7/14]
Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister- “[The deal] without a doubt will play an important role in ensuring non-proliferation in general and make the situation in the Middle East healthier.” [7/16]
Hon. Mel Levine, Former Member of Congress, AIPAC Board Member- “The accord is the one path that provides a peaceful means of resolving the major threat of Iran’s achieving a nuclear weapon and will enhance the security of Israel and the world. Without this deal, the risk of war in the Middle East dramatically increases as well as the real risk of nuclear proliferation. I believe my friends in AIPAC and some of my friends in Israel have made a regrettable rush to judgment in immediately opposing the Iran agreement.” [8/2]
Secretary of the Treasury, Jacob Lew- “Those calling on Congress to scrap the deal argue that the United States could have gotten a better deal, and still could, if we unilaterally ramped up existing sanctions, enough to force Iran to dismantle its entire nuclear program or even alter the character of its regime wholesale. This assumption is a dangerous fantasy, flying in the face of economic and diplomatic reality.” [8/13]
Jeffrey Lewis, Center for Nonproliferation Studies- “It would seem that the agreement is as good or better in all important respects than what officials described in the spring. This is a pretty damned good deal.” [7/14]
Jeffrey Lewis, Center for Nonproliferation Studies- “This deal might not be ideal, or as good as the one we could have achieved a decade ago, but compared with the invasion of Iraq, a nuclear-armed Iran, or even a deal we might be able to negotiate a few years down the road, it is incredibly strong.” [7/19]
Rev. Jim Lewis, West Virginia Patriots for Peace- “The chaos unleashed by our nation’s invasion of Iraq in 2003 now demands a shuffling of the deck in the Middle East. A new game must be played, and Iran must be at the table. The Iran Nuclear Agreement is the invitation for Iran to join the game.” [8/28]
James M. Lindsay, Council on Foreign Relations- “If the United States walks away from the JCPOA, the result won’t be a better deal but a collapse of the sanctions effort and no deal at all. Meanwhile, military options will become no more appealing—or less risky.” [9/7]
Justin Logan, CATO- “The agreement must be viewed as a clear success.” [7/14]
Former Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN)– “Sticking with our international partners in a unified and systematic effort to ensure Iran’s compliance with this agreement is the best opportunity we have to block an Iranian nuclear weapon, while avoiding a costly war and preventing additional countries in the region from seeking a nuclear arsenal.” [8/31]
Former Senators Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Sam Nunn (D-GA)– “Our own conviction is that this agreement represents our best chance to stop an Iranian bomb without another war in the Middle East.” [8/30]
Former Senators Richard Lugar (R-IN) and J. Bennett Johnston (D-LA)– Rejection of the agreement would severely undermine the U.S. role as a leader and reliable partner around the globe. If Washington walks away from this hard-fought multilateral agreement, its dependability would likely be doubted for decades. Rejection would also destroy the effective coalition that brought Iran to the negotiating table. Congress can either accept or reject [the deal] by overriding an expected presidential veto — thereby taking sole and exclusive responsibility for the grave consequences for U.S. national security that would certainly follow.” [8/13]
Hooman Majd, author of The Ayatollahs’ Democracy- “A deal painstakingly concluded after almost two years of intensive negotiations is the very best deal that either side could make, or hope for. Congress should trust the U.S. officials who were charged with making it that this deal is crucial to reducing tensions in the Middle East, and that there is no alternative short of a more advanced Iranian nuclear program, or military action to stop it.” [9/7]
Paul Kawika Martin, Peace Action- “The international agreement with Iran keeps it from a nuclear weapon for a decade at least. There is no better agreement to be reached. The alternatives would fail and their price is unacceptably high. While it’s not a perfect path, it is the only path Congress should support publicly and vote to approve.” [7/16]
Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick- “I applaud the fact that a major issue of dispute in this very volatile region was resolved through negotiation and not armed conflict.” [7/16]
John J. Mearsheimer, University of Chicago- “Given that diplomacy involves give and take on both sides, this is an excellent deal. That is especially true when one considers the consequences of rejecting it. This deal is an important step forward in improving U.S.-Iranian relations, which is in America’s national interest.” [9/7]
Shemuel Meir, Fmr. IDF analyst- “The Vienna deal prevents the introduction of a new nuclear power in the Middle East, halts the nuclear arms race and saves Israel from using military force on Iran.” [7/22]
Christopher K. Mellon, fmr. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence- “Those who most vociferously oppose the agreement, including Mr. Netanyahu, are the same crowd who in 2002 falsely claimed Iraq was a threat and that a war with it would be quick, easy and cheap. In all probability another costly and destabilizing U.S. war in the Middle East would spread more terrorism and chaos while driving the Iranian nuclear program underground and strengthening isolationism at home.” [8/30]
Mohsen Milani, University of South Florida- “The [JCPOA] is a risk worth taking, considering how unattractive the other alternatives are. Indeed, although the United States and Iran did not get everything they wanted in the negotiations, the agreement is the best they could possibly attain at this juncture. It is a ‘win-win’ for both countries, and a triumph of diplomacy and hope over war and cynicism.” [7/15]
Mohsen Milani, University of South Florida- “The JCPOA is a win-win deal for the United States and Iran, and a victory for diplomacy. It is not a perfect deal, but it is infinitely better than the alternatives.” [9/7]
Aaron David Miller, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars- “There’s no question the Obama administration got what it wanted out of this deal: a slower, smaller Iranian nuclear program more easily monitored and constrained for at least a decade. No chance now of a pre-emptive Israeli strike, and no need for an American one. For now, a putative nuclear crisis has been defused and kicked down the road.” [7/14]
Steven E. Miller, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs– “The real choice is…this deal or no deal. I prefer the limits and constraints contained in this deal to the more unconstrained environment allowed if there is no deal.” [9/8]
Hon. George Mitchell, Fmr. US Senate Majority Leader- “There are two ways to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon: through negotiation or by war. It is plain common sense to try negotiation first. This agreement… has the strong support of most of the nations of the world. Its rejection by Congress would be adverse to our national security. Its approval will be in our national interest and will be crucial to limiting the spread of nuclear weapons.” [8/5]
Hon. George Mitchell, Fmr. US Senate Majority Leader (D-ME)- “The nuclear agreement with Iran, reached by the United States, China, Russia, Britain, Germany and France, is a significant diplomatic achievement…It not only enhances U.S. and international security by preventing Iran from building a nuclear weapon, but it also reestablishes the American tradition of leading the world in seeking diplomatic resolutions to international disputes.” [8/31]
Amram Mitzna, Fmr. member Knesset, Fmr. mayor of Haifa and Yeruham, Ret. Major-General in the Israel Defense Forces- “This agreement is better than no agreement and must not be rejected. If implemented, it will block all of Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon, and extend the time Iran would need to build a bomb from only two months to more than a year. If the critics have a serious alternative, they should say so. I see only destructive alternatives, and so simply listing this agreement’s deficiencies is not enough. There is no other, better deal, and those who claim that there is, are fooling themselves. If this agreement is fully implemented, I believe that Israel will be significantly safer than it is today. On the other hand, rejection of the deal would be very, very bad for all of us. For Israel’s sake and all the people of the Middle East, we must not miss this opportunity.” [7/30]
Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative and Javad Zarif, Iranian Foreign Minister- “What we are announcing today is not only a deal but a good deal. And a good deal for all sides – and the wider international community. We call on the world community to support the implementation of this historic effort.” [7/14]
Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative- “We agreed on a deal that is not based on trust, but on precise commitments, on transparency and verification. It is a deal made to withstand the challenge of time; a good deal, with no space for interpretations or doubts. A deal that, while implemented, will allow us to build trust and lay the foundations for a new relationship. The whole Middle East is in turmoil. We need to restart political processes to end wars.” [7/28]
Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy- “We are better off forever in terms of Iranian nuclear activity under this agreement than we would be without it. What we have done is we have dramatically limited and constrained the program. We are very confident in our ability to detect the vestiges of any nuclear work beyond 24 days.” [7/19]
Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy- “The JCPOA prevents Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, provides strong verification measures that give us ample time to respond if Iran chose to violate its terms, and takes none of our options off the table. This deal is based on science and analysis. I am confident that this is a good deal for America, for our allies, and for our global security.” [7/23]
Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy- “The deal provides an agreement between the great powers and Iran that Iran will never develop or acquire a nuclear weapon, in turn providing a basis for an overwhelming response should it ever attempt to do so. The unity of purpose by the signatories — China, Russia, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the European Union and the United States — is unprecedented. Most important, we got the science right. I spent 40 years as a nuclear physicist faculty member at MIT and much of this year negotiating with Iran’s nuclear experts. And I drew on exhaustive technical analysis by our leading nuclear experts at the Department of Energy’s national laboratories and nuclear sites. This deal moves them back from that threshold for a considerable period and raises our verification capabilities forever.” [7/30]
Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy- “The JCPOA is not built on trust and accomplishes the key Iranian nuclear weapon threat reduction that drove the international community to sanction Iran and to negotiate and support the deal. As stated in the scientists’ letter to the President, the JCPOA has ‘much more stringent constraints than any previously negotiated nonproliferation framework.’ It deserves broad American support and endorsement.” [8/31]
Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Princeton University- “Congress’s overriding the deal would surely lead to radicalism once again at the expense of pragmatism in Iran. Moreover, the nuclear deal has the potential for far-reaching positive implications for the volatile Middle East region and for Iran’s relations with the West.” [8/28]
Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Princeton University- “The Iran nuclear deal represents the most comprehensive international agreement ever reached in the area of nuclear nonproliferation. The confidence-building measures it elicits from Iran in order to ensure that its nuclear program will remain peaceful—ranging from intrusive inspections to novel verification mechanisms—are the most powerful of their kind that a Nuclear Nonproliferation member-state has agreed to. If the objective was to certify Iran’s compliance with NPT and block all possible paths toward a bomb, then this agreement represents the maximum that could have been achieved.” [9/8]
Joseph R. Murray II, civil rights attorney and conservative commentator- “The poster children of the GOP are not attacking the fine points of the deal. Instead, they are attacking the very decision to make a deal. With trillions of dollars spent blowing up and rebuilding the Middle East and thousands of U.S. lives lost, Republican hawks refuse to abandon a neo-conservatism that confuses Israeli national interest with U.S. national interest and propels America into unnecessary wars that are none of her concern. While we will support with our friends, we cannot let their politics impede our progress.” [7/17]
Alireza Nader, RAND Corporation- “The JCPOA is a solid nonproliferation agreement that will restrain Iran’s nuclear program and ensure that it will not be used for military purposes. The agreement has broad international support; a rejection by Congress will be a diplomatic defeat for the United States, undermining the sanctions regime and providing greater diplomatic leverage for the Iranian government.” [9/8]
Robert Naiman, Just Foreign Policy- “It’s hard to see a plausible path for Republicans to block the deal to curb Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for lifting sanctions. This is why it’s so urgent for Americans who want to see more peace and diplomacy and less war in our future, who want rebuilding America rather than pursuing foreign empire to be our national priority, who don’t want to repeat the experience of the 2003 Iraq invasion over and over again for the rest of our lives, to speak up for the Iran deal now.” [7/15]
Vipin Narang, Professor at MIT- “The Iran nuclear deal effectively shuts Iran’s pathways to nuclear weapons while preserving its legal right to civilian nuclear energy. The deal substantially lengthens the time Iran would need to enrich enough uranium for nuclear weapons. My view is that this nuclear deal with Iran is about as good as it gets in nonproliferation policy.” [7/24]
Richard Nephew, Brookings- “The deal negotiated by the P5+1 will create a one year or longer breakout timeline for Iran’s declared nuclear program for the first ten years of the implementation phase of the deal. We are far better off with the deal than without it.” [7/17]
Richard Nephew, Brookings- “The [JCPOA] is a material improvement over the status quo across the board, offering at worst an improved opportunity to detect [covert nuclear] activities. In doing so, the agreement will deter Iranian cheating and make succeeding at it a virtually impossible task.” [9/2]
Sam Nunn, Fmr. Georgia Senator- “One of the goals of this set of discussions and agreement is to stretch that time so that they could not achieve a real weapon within that period of time, but to go to a year, at least. Sometimes we get so involved in the details, we lose sight of what we’re really trying to achieve, and what we’re really trying to achieve is basically preventing the Iranians from getting a bomb. I think when you read all of it, not withstanding, it’s far from a perfect document, it’s pretty clear that the answer to that is, it’s going to be a lot harder for the Iranians to get a nuclear bomb over the next 10 or 15 years.” [7/24]
Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Harvard Kennedy School of Government- “It is easy to imagine a better agreement, but the passage of what we have is the best of the realistic alternatives.” [9/8]
President Barack Obama- “This deal demonstrates that American diplomacy can bring about real and meaningful change. Tough talk from Washington does not solve problems. Hard-nosed diplomacy. Leadership that has united the world’s major powers, offers a more effective way to verify that Iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapon.” [7/14]
President Barack Obama- “You should have some alternative to present. And I haven’t heard that. And the reason is because there really are only two alternatives here. Either the issue of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon is resolved diplomatically through a negotiation or it’s resolved through force, through war. Those are the options. Now you’ll hear some critics say, ‘We could have negotiated a better deal.’ Well Ok, what does that mean?” [7/15]
President Barack Obama- “It’s in everyone’s best interest to make sure this deal holds. Because without this deal, there would be no limits on Iran’s nuclear program. There would be no monitoring, no inspections. The sanctions we rallied the world to impose would unravel. Iran could move closer to a nuclear weapon. Other countries in the region might race to do the same. And we’d risk another war in the most volatile region in the world. That’s what would happen without this deal.” [7/18]
President Barack Obama- “In the debate over this deal, we’re hearing the echoes of some of the same policies and mindset that failed us in the past. Some of the same politicians and pundits that are so quick to reject the possibility of a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear program are the same folks who were so quick to go to war in Iraq, and said it would take a few months. And we know the consequences of that choice and what it cost us in blood and treasure. I believe there’s a smarter, more responsible way. We’ve done the hard and patient work [of diplomacy] instead of chest-beating which rejects the idea of even talking to our adversaries.” [7/21]
Mary Ellen O’Connell, Professor at the University of Notre Dame- “The Iran nuclear deal is a good one for all concerned. The Middle East needs this new deal. It is the only lawful way to stop proliferation.” [7/14]
Nate Olson, Stimson- “Delivering on one of the deal’s most important commitments will depend on a party that was never at the negotiating table. Behind closed doors, firms mulling major engagements in Iran have repeatedly stressed one thing: They need to see greater clarity in the international regulatory environment toward Tehran. But given the urgency to shore up this hard-won pact, searching for the perfect institutional formula is not an option. With the drama of reaching the nuclear deal soon to give way, officials should avail themselves of every opportunity to sit down at a different negotiating table — with industry leaders and independent experts — and set about this work together.” [7/14]
Dr. Trita Parsi, National Iranian American Council- “No other option comes even close to this deal when it comes to closing off all of Iran’s paths to a bomb. Military action in particular is far inferior — and far more risky. The deal will prevent a war with Iran.” [6/30]
Colin Powell, fmr. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Secretary of State- “My judgment…is that [the JCPOA] is a pretty good deal.” [9/6]
Robert Powell, University of California at Berkeley– “In my view, the chances that the United States could get a better deal if the JCPOA is not approved are very small. The United States is much more likely to find itself with no real limits on Iran and a very weak sanctions regime.” [9/8]
Bishop Richard E. Pates, Des Moines Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church- “Happily, six major nations have chosen the path of dialogue to resolve the serious questions about Iran’s nuclear program. It has indeed taken time, as well as patience and perseverance. To build peace requires painstaking work. Dialogue is not easy. Building trust through rigorous verification measures is even more difficult. Yet the alternative of armed conflict is morally unacceptable. Armed force is not just another alternative; it must be a reluctant last resort. First and always, we must try to resolve differences peacefully. In the process, we build peace.” [7/16]
Chris Patten, Chancellor of Oxford University- “Let us give praise where it is richly deserved. Despite all the criticism they faced, US President Barack Obama and his Secretary of State, John Kerry, stuck doggedly to the task of negotiating a deal with Iran to limit its nuclear program. Together with representatives of the United Kingdom, Russia, China, France, and Germany, they have now succeeded. This is a significant moment in the nuclear age. As it is, not only will an agreement add cement to the NPT; it could also open the way to the sort of understanding with Iran that is essential to any broad diplomatic moves to control and halt the violence sweeping across western Asia.” [7/16]
Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity- “This move shows that diplomacy can produce peaceful, positive changes. It also shows that sometimes taking a principled position means facing down overwhelming opposition from all sides and not backing down. The president should be commended for both of these achievements. The agreement has reduced the chance of a US attack on Iran, which is a great development. There is much to cheer in the agreement. Peace and prosperity arise from friendly relations and trade.” [7/20]
Hank Paulson, former Secretary of the Treasury- “It’s somewhere in between naive and unrealistic to assume that after we’ve, the United States of America, has negotiated something like this with the five other, you know, parties and with the whole world community watching, that we could back away from that – and that the others would go with us, or even that our allies would go with us.” [8/14]
Paul Pillar, CIA veteran- “If the current debate were being conducted solely on the merits of the agreement, the outcome would be almost a no-brainer; the agreement is obviously much better than the alternative of killing the agreement.” [7/25]
Barry R. Posen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology- “This agreement is so clearly in the U.S. national interest that I have found it very hard to think of the debate about the agreement as a debate about the agreement.” [9/8]
Samantha Power, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.- “[The deal gives Iran] an opportunity to prove to the world that it intends to pursue a nuclear program solely for peaceful purposes. If Iran seizes that opportunity … then it will find the international community and the United States willing to provide a path out of isolation and toward greater engagement.” [7/20]
Samantha Power, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.- “I believe that rejecting this deal would significantly weaken our ability to achieve our broader foreign policy goals.” [8/26]
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia- “We are satisfied that the solution found is based on the principle of phasing and mutuality, which our country has been consistently supporting at every stage of these complicated negotiations.” [7/14]
Qatari Foreign Minister Khalid bin Mohammed al-Attiyah, speaking for the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council- “This was the best option among other options — to come up with a solution . . . through dialogue. We are confident that all the efforts that have been exerted make this region very secure, very stable.” [8/3]
Jon Rainwater, Peace Action West- “The agreement truly represents the biggest diplomatic achievement of the millennium thus far. The agreement puts us firmly on the path of peace — as long as the agreement is not torpedoed by action in Congress. Today’s deal is a prism through which light will finally shine on viable, peaceful alternatives to war. If Congress lets it see the light of day, this prism has the potential to usher in a new era of American foreign policy governed by good will and reason, rather than fear and force of habit.” [7/14]
Negar Razavi, PS21 Global Fellow– “When Americans question why Iran will continue to comply with this deal, we think of the 18 million people who elected President Rouhani largely on the promise of getting this deal done and ending Iran’s global isolation. We will show them how videos of the millions dancing and celebrating the deal on the streets serve as reminders to Iran’s leaders that they must answer to their people moving forward.” [7/20]
Kingston Reif, Arms Control Association- “Overall, it’s a very strong and good deal, but it wasn’t negotiations that resulted in a score of 100-0 for the US. That’s not how international negotiations go. The monitoring and verification regime in this deal is the most comprehensive and intrusive regime that has ever been negotiated.” [7/18]
Susan Rice, National Security Advisor- “We have complete ability on our own to go into the Security Council with evidence of a violation after a process and snap those sanctions back into place. [The verification time] is more than an adequate time and we shouldn’t be worried.” [7/15]
John Rodriguez, military veteran and fellow at the Center for National Policy- “I support the deal to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon through tough, principled diplomacy. If we have the opportunity to stop a threat to the United States without using military force, we should take it.” [8/26]
Elizabeth Rosenberg, Center for a New American Security- “Sabotaging the deal will hurt U.S. strategic objectives…it offers meaningful transparency and restrictions regarding Iran’s enrichment program, and it advances nuclear security. Furthermore, there is no alternative deal, and the United States will lose credibility and allies if it throws out the current agreement.” [9/8]
Joel Rubin, Washington Strategy Group- “Secretary of State John Kerry and a team of skilled negotiators achieved a national security miracle: a diplomatic deal that blocks Iran’s path to a nuclear bomb. One has to question how serious the members will be about objectively reviewing the deal at hand. There is no alternative to this deal. This is it. The American people deserve a serious debate.” [7/29]
Jeffrey Sachs, Earth Institute- “The Iran deal is a historic breakthrough of the first order. Great success of the P5+1 diplomacy & of Pres. Obama facing down the neocons.” [7/14]
Bill Scher, Campaign for America’s Future- “Republicans in Congress may want to stop the international nuclear deal with Iran. They may prefer to provoke a war with Iran than break bread. [The Republican Party] is no position to stop a deal, or start a war.” [7/14]
Mark Schneider, International Crisis Group- “There is a reason that the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, the European Union, Russia and China signed on to JCPOA. It is the only and best way to stop Iran from building a nuclear bomb for at least 15 years—without war.” [8/4]
Brent Scowcroft, former National Security Adviser- “[The JPOCA] meets the key objective, shared by recent administrations of both parties, that Iran limit itself to a strictly civilian nuclear program with unprecedented verification and monitoring by the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] and the UN Security Council.” [8/14]
Rev. Al Sharpton, President, National Action Network- “It’s quite simple really, voting against the Iran deal would virtually guarantee that we go to war yet again. Because we — Blacks and Latinos — are often on the front lines of battle, we do not want another senseless war. Perhaps it’s time our Senators and members of Congress listen to us and not the lobbyists.” [8/17]
Mohammad Ali Shabani, University of London- “Vetoing the JCPOA will embolden Iran since it would severely undermine U.S. credibility and make renewed negotiations—at least for the foreseeable future—virtually impossible. The outcome may thus very well be war.” [9/8]
Joe Sestak, Fmr. Navy Admiral and Congressman- “Congress now must give this agreement a serious look. It should support the agreement – and then work with the administration to ensure that Iran lives up to its promise and, if not, is held to account.” [7/22]
Jacqueline Shire, Fmr. member of the U.N. Panel of Experts on Iran- “This deal keeps Iran’s nuclear program confined, monitored from every angle, with narrow maneuvering room. It also provides a path for Iran to engage constructively with the world, more necessary now than ever before.” [7/14]
Gary Sick, Columbia University- “There are legitimate concerns about the JCPOA, just as there were with the ACA, but they will not be resolved by rejecting U.S. responsibilities under an international agreement with no visible alternative.” [9/8]
Javier Solana, Fmr. Secretary General of NATO- “The successful outcome of the negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program provides a splendid validation for those who put their faith in diplomacy. The agreement – concluded after more than a decade of talks – highlights the value of persistence in addressing impasses that seem insurmountable, and provides hope for the many other initiatives that will be needed to bring lasting peace to the Middle East. The historic agreement with Iran is just one of many that will be required to bring peace and stability to the Middle East. The first hurdle has been overcome. We must now run the rest of the race.” [7/17]
Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO- “This agreement represents a historic breakthrough which, once fully implemented, will strengthen international security.” [7/14]
Neera Tanden, Center for American Progress- “I’m looking forward to those who attack this deal… to spell out their alternative. Easy to criticize. Hard to lead/govern.” [7/14]
Gael Tarleton, State Representative for WA and former defense intelligence analyst- “The Iran deal is the world’s best chance to prevent a new nuclear state in this turbulent region. Instead of reliving the past when we negotiated nuclear treaties only after states had built their bomb, the international community has opened a door to monitor Iran’s nuclear program before it becomes a deadly nuclear threat.” [8/25]
Shibley Telhami, University of Maryland and Brookings- “Rejecting the deal puts us on a slippery slope toward a costly war that can only accelerate Iran’s drive for a bomb instead of ending it. Sanctions have not compelled Iran to stop its program in the past, and they have a smaller chance now, given unlikely international support for a new regime. Failure of sanctions to get intended results only accelerates calls in the United States for further steps, including military action.” [9/8]
Greg Thielmann, Arms Control Association- “The United States and its five negotiating partners have just extracted from Tehran what many thought was impossible — a comprehensive and verifiable deal that effectively closes off Iran’s pathways to nuclear weapons for many years. It is now time for the U.S. Congress to make sure the deal can be implemented. To prevent the further spread of nuclear weapons and to protect the security of the United States and of our allies in the region, Iowa’s senators and representatives in Congress should embrace the chance to vote ‘yes.’” [7/14]
John Tirman, Center for International Studies at MIT- “The Iran nuclear accord has three legacies. The first is limiting Iran’s enrichment capacity. The second is bolstering moderates in Iran. The third is changing Iran’s relationship with the United States. The most immediate beneficiaries are none of the powers at the table in Vienna, but the brutalized peoples of the Middle East.” [7/24]
Sidney Topol, Americans for Peace Now– “A thoughtful, dispassionate consideration of the agreement leads to the clear conclusion that it’s good for both the U.S. and for Israel.” [8/13]
Alex Vatanka, Middle East Institute- “The Iranian public is very optimistic and hopeful that the painful economic sanctions will soon begin to be rolled back. The United States, for its part, has succeeded in finding a diplomatic path forward.” [7/14]
Rev. Jim Wallis, Sojourners- “We have a deal. And many of us in the faith community are relieved. Many of us in the faith community have called for diplomacy instead of the only plausible alternative: war with Iran. Other options simply aren’t possible. Theologically, pursuing options that will prevent further war with more dangerous weapons is the right course of action in a highly imperfect world. Giving serious diplomacy and international pressure a chance before contemplating military action is both a better strategic option and a more Christian one.” [7/14]
Rev. Jim Wallis, Sojourners- “We must start with the question, ‘What can we best do to make peace?’ After a careful review of the agreement, I believe that supporting the agreement and praying for its success is the best we can do to make peace.” [8/27]
Dr. Jim Walsh, MIT- “I think it’s a good deal. It reduces Iran’s uranium by 98% and cuts their centrifuges by two-thirds. There are so many details in this that it is easy for critics to cherry-pick. If you want evaluate something, you need to stand back and ask yourself two questions: how does it compare to other nonproliferation agreements we’ve had that have been successful? And how does it compare to the alternatives? This agreement is the strongest, multilateral agreement on nonproliferation that we’ve ever negotiated. I think it’s a big win.” [7/19]
Dr. Jim Walsh, MIT- “I’ve read all 159 pages of the deal, and I think it is arguably the most robust, intrusive, multilateral nonproliferation agreement ever negotiated. If Congress unilaterally kills this deal and therefore lets Iran off scot-free, it’s going to be hard to maintain any sanctions, and our ability to influence Iranian nuclear behavior dramatically plummets.” [7/24]
Stephen Walt, Harvard University – “The [JPOCA] deal is in America’s national interest and clearly superior to the available alternatives. Iran is cutting its enrichment capacity by more than two-thirds, getting rid of all but a miniscule fraction of its stockpile of low-enriched uranium, and has agreed to an unprecedented degree of inspections and monitoring going forward. In theory, Iran could try to cheat in various small ways, but it couldn’t do enough to get it across the nuclear weapons threshold without being caught well in advance of weaponization.” [8/3]
Stephen Walt, Harvard University- “The fact that the neoconservatives, AIPAC, the Conference of Presidents, and other groups in the Israel lobby were wrong about the Iraq War does not by itself mean that they are necessarily wrong about the Iran deal. But when you examine their basic views on world politics and their consistent approach to U.S. Middle East policy, it becomes clear this is not a coincidence at all. Support for the Iraq War and opposition to the Iran deal flow from the same flawed premises, and that’s why following their advice today would be as foolish as it was back in 2003.” [8/21]
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson and Kate Gould, Friends Committee on National Legislation- “This deal makes the U.S. and the world a safer place. Voting for the deal means not only ensuring one of the greatest diplomatic achievements of our time, but finally beginning to cease the endless cycle of U.S. military misadventures in Southwest Asia.” [7/14]
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson- “There are potentially deadly repercussions of a U.S. rejection of this agreement. Rejection means the U.S. is alone. No one else, not even Britain, will follow us. We will be acting entirely unilaterally, without friends or allies (with the exception of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu). And those who claim that we can simply return to sanctions are hopelessly blind to reality. No one will be with us – absolutely no one.” [8/20]
Jim Winkler, President and General Secretary of the National Council of Churches- “The Iran nuclear deal shows us that complicated international disagreements can be resolved peacefully and without resorting to war.” [8/27]
Matthew Yglesias, journalist- “The most prominent arguments against the deal aren’t really arguments at all. The people making them don’t like the deal, because they don’t like Iran and because the deal has some upside for Iran. But hawks don’t want to come out and say they oppose diplomacy in all forms and just want a war.” [7/16]
Yitzhak Ben Yisrael, Chairman of the Israel Space Agency- “There is a dialogue of the deaf. The agreement is not bad at all, and even good for Israel. The US leader said that the agreement removes the threat of nuclear decade or two, and he is right. In terms of the narrow nuclear issue, he removes the danger for a long time and is driven by 15 years of a nuclear bomb. And it’s not bad at all.” [7/15]
Fareed Zakaria, The Washington Post- “Obama’s critics say he is gambling that Iran will comply with the accord. In fact, the administration is making a calculated bet that Iran will be constrained by international pressure, intrusive inspections, verification mechanisms and the prospect of snapback sanctions. The deal’s opponents have conjured up a fantasy scenario.” [7/23]
Julian Zelizer, Princeton University– “The time has come for Congress to put its stamp of approval on this deal, making it clear to the Iranians that the full force of American political opinion is behind what the President has helped to craft. Congress has an opportunity to put us on a different path toward international stability and security than the one adopted, disastrously, in 2003 with the Iraq war.” [9/1]
The Baltimore Sun Editorial Board- “The announcement today that Iran and six nations led by the United States had reached a historic agreement to limit Tehran’s nuclear program was still a stunning development after nearly two years in the making. The deal holds out the promise of preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. It would be a mistake to dismiss the Vienna accord out of hand, as some in Congress appear inclined to do. If the standard is that no agreement is better than any compromise because Iran can never be trusted, then the only alternative is war. That’s in no one’s interest.” [7/14]
The Baltimore Sun Editorial Board- “The idea we can simply sit back and wait for Iran to come up with a better offer is a pipe dream… The question at hand remains how to deter Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and those calling for the U.S. to reject the deal that’s on the table still haven’t come up with a better alternative than the agreement negotiated in Vienna.” [8/12]
The Cap Times- “Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and the other contenders for the Republican presidential nomination have been shameless — and shameful — in their unthinking rejection of an agreement that a bipartisan group of 60 former secretaries of state, national security advisers and ambassadors said ‘will put in place a set of constraints and monitoring measures that will help to assure that Iran’s nuclear program will be for peaceful purposes only.’” [8/19]
The Durango Herald Editorial Board- “Obama’s support for something does not automatically constitute a logical reason to endorse its opposite. The Iran agreement is supposed to help keep nukes out of the hands of crazies. Denouncing it without actually knowing what is in it or hearing from military and foreign-policy experts about how it might work is irresponsible and dangerous. The U.S. has been continuously at war in the Middle East for more than a decade. We do not need to attack another, larger Muslim country.” [7/16]
The Economist Editorial Board- “This pact offers the chance of holding Iran back and shifting its course. The world should embrace it, cautiously.” [7/18]
The Guardian Editorial Board- “The deal with Iran over its nuclear programme finalised in Vienna today is a victory for patient diplomacy. The deal offers Iran a chance to come in from the cold in a new realignment with the west. That would be good for both the Iranian people and the west. This accord, so long in the making, offers the hope that one of the world’s great civilisations might be drawn back into the international community, with untold benefits not only for Iranians but for its conflict-ravaged neighbours. The opportunity should be seized.” [7/14]
Haaretz Editorial Board- “The nuclear agreement signed Tuesday between Iran and the six world powers is an incredible diplomatic achievement and a historic milestone in the West’s relations with Iran. Israel shouldn’t give up the role of watchdog over Iran, but it must give a fair chance to Iran and the world powers to inaugurate a new path.” [7/14]
Kansas City Star Editorial Board- “The pact with Iran announced Tuesday is about diminishing the chances of the United States going to war to stop Iran from deploying a nuclear weapon. To that end, the U.S. and its negotiating partners forged a sound deal. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry should be hailed for a historic achievement.” [7/15]
Los Angeles Times Editorial Board– “So why do we support the agreement? The short answer is that, although it certainly represents a gamble, the deal makes it highly unlikely that Iran will develop a nuclear weapon during the next 10 or 15 years. Without it, there is no such assurance.” [8/30]
Newsday- “There are two avenues to bring about change in the Mideast — diplomacy or war. The American public rightly has no stomach for more war. All negotiations are gambles, but continuing the present course is a losing bet. It’s time to move forward. No other road leads where we want to go.” [7/14]
New York Times Editorial Board- “The final deal with Iran announced by the United States and other major world powers does what no amount of political posturing and vague threats of military action had managed to do before. It puts strong, verifiable limits on Iran’s ability to develop a nuclear weapon for at least the next 10 to 15 years and is potentially one of the most consequential accords in recent diplomatic history, with the ability not just to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon but also to reshape Middle East politics. It would be irresponsible to squander this chance to rein in Iran’s nuclear program.” [7/14]
New York Times Editorial Board- “America is stronger when important national security decisions have bipartisan consensus. None of that seems to matter to the accord’s opponents, many of whom never intended to vote for the deal and made clear during congressional hearings last week that facts will not change their minds.” [8/1]
The Salt Lake City Tribune Editorial Board- “The pact is well worth trying, if only because it stands to at least delay the threat of another costly and almost certainly pointless war in the Middle East. Utah’s elected officials should have the smarts, and the political capital, to explain to us that the hope for progress that Obama has tried to build with this pact may be the best we can reasonably hope for. Unless they’d rather go to war.” [7/17]
St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial Board- “Democrats [can] filibuster any disapproval resolution. It’s not the clean victory that the deal deserves, but it’s enough to give peace a chance.” [9/9]
The Star Editorial Board- “U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders have managed to rein in Iran’s worrisome nuclear program, granting the Middle East a reprieve from the spectre of war.” [7/14]
The Star-Ledger Editorial Board- “The choice now is between this deal, and no deal at all. Because if the United States walks away, the international sanctions regime that got Iran to the table will fall apart, according to Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and the bulk of independent experts.” [8/20]
The Sun Sentinel Editorial Board- “Elected officials must vote their consciences, but unless they can offer what President Obama calls a “plausible” alternative — and no, we haven’t heard one — we urge the undecided members of our delegation to support the deal.” [8/19]
Tampa Bay Times Editorial Board- “The historic agreement aimed at crippling Iran’s ability to produce a nuclear weapon has enormous potential to make the world a safer place. This deal is positive for the nation and for the world. As Congress wades into the details, it should measure them against the present and the possible — not against the perfect.” [7/14]
USA Today Editorial Board- “For all the complexity contained in its nearly 100 pages, the basic framework is a simple transaction that had been well telegraphed. Iran is prevented for at least 10 years from developing the capability to build a nuclear weapon, helping to stabilize a region that needs no more instability. The question facing Congress, which has 60 days to review the deal, isn’t whether this is a perfect document. It’s whether this is better than no deal, and whether more attractive options exist. So what has been won by these arduous negotiations? An option other than war to thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions, one that positions the U.S. as a leader in making the world a safer place with a stroke of a pen rather than at the tip of a sword.” [7/14]
USA Today Editorial Board- “With its less-than-airtight inspections regime, this deal isn’t perfect. But it’s better than no deal. Opponents of the agreement have yet to come up with a realistic or attainable alternative. Opponents claim they don’t want war. Instead, they say, a rejection by Congress would force everyone back to the negotiating table for a ‘better deal.’ Let’s get real. That simply won’t happen.” [9/9]
Compiled by Angela Miller, Lindsay Getschel, and Chris Marks.
August 3, 2015