Win Without War Congratulates Rep. Meeks on Selection as HFAC Chair, Applauds Rep. Castro for Bold Candidacy

Last Updated on December 11, 2020.
WASHINGTON — Win Without War Advocacy Director Erica Fein released the following statement regarding the selection of Rep. Gregory Meeks as the new Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC):
“Win Without War would like to congratulate Representative Meeks on becoming the next Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and on his historic victory of becoming the first Black chair of this committee.
“Endless wars, deadly sanctions, arms sales to human rights abusers, competition rather than cooperation — the status quo approach to foreign policy has failed, and the people know it. It’s time for a change. In announcing his candidacy, Rep. Meeks expressed a desire to end the Forever Wars and the misuse of the existing war authorizations. We look forward to working with him on those paramount goals and other issues to build a new U.S. foreign policy rooted in peace, justice, and equality.
“We are also grateful for the candidacy of Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX), who has tirelessly communicated his bold vision for a foreign policy that centers people and the planet over special interests, and who has helped make the process of selecting the HFAC Chair more transparent and democratic than ever before. U.S. foreign policy should be made by and for the people — this year’s selection process marked a welcome step toward that goal.
“We also commend Rep. Brad Sherman on his candidacy and his years of foreign policy leadership in Congress and look forward to continuing to work with him.”
Win Without War is a diverse network of activists and national organizations working for progressive foreign policy in the United States.
December 3, 2020