Statement: Win Without War Applauds Essential Humanitarian, Food, and Refugee Aid for Ukraine War

Last Updated on June 1, 2022.
WASHINGTON — Win Without War Government Relations Director Eric Eikenberry released the following statement regarding the $40.1 billion Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act signed into law on May 21, 2022:
“As Russia’s indefensible war continues to devastate people in Ukraine, its ripple effects — including forced migration, food shortages, and increased gas prices — are also hurting everyday people around the world. That’s why progressives have been focused on ensuring that U.S. assistance to Ukraine includes direct aid to meet people’s urgent needs.
“We’re pleased that the $40.1 billion supplemental Ukraine aid bill that President Biden signed into law last week contains essential funding for progressive priorities, including humanitarian aid, support for refugees, and provisions to combat global food insecurity. The bill also charts a path for greater transparency and accountability by directing multiple Inspectors General to track how this assistance is rendered and appropriating funds for that purpose. This crucial oversight will help guarantee that funding reaches those who need it most, as well as prevent corruption, waste, and fraud.
“Progressives have successfully prevented this supplemental bill from being just another unaccountable payout to weapons contractors. However, the weapons industry is no doubt still cheering at the opportunity to boost its profits from the excess funding it received to replace weapons transferred to Ukraine. We must continue to fight against war profiteering, push for greater oversight, and gear up to ensure that any future aid to Ukraine benefits everyday people rather than the already-heavy pockets of weapons contractors.”
“That aid and oversight priorities made it into the supplemental — and stayed in the bill as it went through the House, Senate, and to the president’s desk — is a testament to the growing strength of the progressive movement. Members of Congress would not be empowered to push for these humanitarian efforts without the sustained support of principled advocates and grassroots activists.
“We need these same principled allies to further define the U.S. response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, including by relieving the debts incurred by Ukraine and other nations from U.S. and international loans, undoing the Trump administration’s lurch toward a more escalatory nuclear posture, and keeping open the window for the conflict’s diplomatic resolution. That way, in short order, the world won’t be stressed by a global food crisis, and weapons makers won’t have another excuse to press for more cash.”
Win Without War is a diverse network of activists and national organizations working for progressive foreign policy in the United States.
May 24, 2022