Win Without War Issues Statement On Doomsday Forecast

Last Updated on January 25, 2018.
Win Without War Director Stephen Miles issued the following statement regarding today’s so-called “Doomsday Clock” announcement by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists:
Today the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists confirmed once again that the presidency of Donald J. Trump has put the country and the world on a dangerous path to catastrophe.
Because of Trump’s election last year, the Bulletin moved its so-called “Doomsday Clock” to two and a half minutes to midnight — the closest, in the Bulletin’s estimation, that humanity has been to the brink of destruction since the 1980s, when fears of nuclear war were arguably at their highest.
This morning, the Bulletin moved the Doomsday Clock even closer, to two minutes to midnight, specifically citing Trump’s statements and tweets, and adding that to call the current security situation dire is to underestimate the urgency.
The last time the Bulletin determined humanity was this close to calamity was in 1953 when the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. were testing thermonuclear weapons.
Whether it’s Trump threatening nuclear war with North Korea, working to dismantle the Iran nuclear deal, cavalierly calling for more, “usable” nuclear weapons, withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, or merely engaging in irresponsible bellicose rhetoric on an almost daily basis, it’s hardly surprising that the Bulletin reached this conclusion.
Given that the only thing that Trump has accomplished since his inauguration is fomenting conflict and insecurity, we, as Americans, need to come to terms with just how dangerous this man is, and rally together to combat his most dangerous impulses.
January 25, 2018