Statement: Trump’s Budget Makes the World Less Safe

Last Updated on February 13, 2020.
Contact: Michael Galant 203-260-4654
WASHINGTON — Win Without War Advocacy Director Erica Fein released the following statement regarding Donald Trump’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 budget request:
“Donald Trump’s budget request perfectly encapsulates his worldview that taxpayer dollars are better spent waging disastrous wars abroad and keeping corrupt defense contractors happy rather than promoting the health, safety, and wellbeing of people in the United States and around the world. Congress must reject it unequivocally.
“The Pentagon budget has increased by $115 billion over the last three years, even though spending on the military was already at historical highs when Trump took office. What do we have to show for this astronomical bill? A sprawling global military apparatus that creates, rather than prevents, instability, all to the profit of a few giant corporations. Further inflating the Pentagon’s already-overstuffed coffers while slashing diplomacy and domestic investments will do nothing to advance human security: it will increase the risk of needless war and further entrench ourselves in deadly quagmires around the world, while failing to confront the real crises that we face.
“The 21st century’s greatest global challenges — climate change, mass inequality, mass displacement, and rising authoritarianism — have no military solutions. Yet Trump chooses to perpetuate the status quo of waging endless war and lining the pockets of defense contractors, while actively cutting non-military investments at home and abroad.
“We call on Members of Congress to speak out against this grotesque misuse of funds. It is time for our leaders to explain how they will responsibly spend U.S. taxpayer dollars to build a more just and peaceful future.”
Win Without War is a diverse network of activists and national organizations working for progressive foreign policy in the United States.