Statement: Representative Lee is Right — We Should Slash the Pentagon Budget by $350 Billion

Last Updated on July 9, 2020.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday June 15, 2020
Contact: Michael Galant 203-260-4654
WASHINGTON — Win Without War Advocacy Director Erica Fein released the following statement regarding Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s (CA-13) Resolution, expressing the sense of the House regarding wasteful Pentagon spending and supporting cuts to the bloated Pentagon budget:
“In a moment of reimagining of how we understand safety, this legislation is a bold step forward. We must divest from institutions that use violent force to suppress the symptoms of our social ills, and invest in the programs that seek to cure them. We call on all members of the House to support this important legislation, slash the overblown Pentagon budget by the recommended $350 billion, and put the resources toward programs that, unlike warmaking, will actually keep us safe.”
Win Without War is a diverse network of activists and national organizations working for progressive foreign policy in the United States.
June 15, 2020