Joint Statement: House Dem Budget Plan Must be Reworked to Fund People Not War and Waste

Last Updated on May 7, 2019.
WASHINGTON, DC — CREDO Action, Indivisible, MoveOn, and Win Without War released the following statement in response to the House Budget Committee markup of H.R. 2021 Investing for the People Act of 2019. :
“While we agree with the House Democrats in their rejection of Donald Trump’s immoral and draconian budget, the solution cannot and must not be to put even more money into an already bloated and wasteful budget for the Pentagon.
“House Democrats appear to be accepting at face value the absurd notion that the Pentagon needs more money, when it can’t even account for what it already spends, can’t even spend the obscene amount of money Congress already appropriates, and can’t rein in waste, fraud, and abuse. This proposal also ignores the reality that Donald Trump is using the Pentagon’s overflowing coffers to advance anti-immigrant, extremist policies including needlessly deploying thousands of U.S. military personnel to the border and building his wall. Giving Donald Trump essentially what he wants and hoping that he returns the favor is nothing more than delusion masquerading as strategy.
“House Democrats should immediately drop this plan and instead put forward a bold vision that shows what it would actually look like to invest in people and our communities through much-needed domestic programs and to deal with real global challenges like climate change. ”