An important step
Last Updated on August 29, 2016.
The Win Without War coalition released the following statement by Director, Stephen Miles, in response to the White House’s announcement that it has met its goal of resettling 10,000 Syrian refugees in Fiscal Year 2016.
“We applaud the President for meeting the goal of resettling 10,000 Syrians. America has always been a refuge for those fleeing conflict, and as the war in Syria rages on, we must keep our doors open to those in need of shelter and peace.
While some would use the very horror these Syrians are fleeing as a reason to shut our borders, we loudly proclaim “Refugees Welcome” and hope that the Administration will build upon its goal by dramatically increasing its resettlement of Syrian refugees in the year to come.”
Since the war began in 2011, more than 10 million Syrians – a majority of whom are women and children – have been both internally and externally displaced, with neighboring Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq bearing the brunt of the refugee flow pouring out of Syria. Having met its goal of resettling 10,000 Syrians in Fiscal Year 2016, the Administration is currently finalizing its goal for fiscal year 2017. The Win Without War coalition has consistently advocated for a goal in excess of 100,000 Syrian refugees, in line with both the current need and our nation’s historical leadership in refugee resettlements.