SCOTUS Decision on Trump’s Muslim Ban Undermines Our Value of Religious Freedom for All
Last Updated on June 26, 2018.
WASHINGTON, DC — Win Without War Policy Director Kate Kizer released the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Donald Trump’s Muslim ban:
“The Supreme Court’s 5-4 vote to uphold Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from predominantly Muslim countries is a stain on our history. As Justice Sotomayor wrote in the dissenting opinion, the decision ‘fails to safeguard’ the fundamental principle of religious liberty that our nation was founded on.
“The Muslim Ban has no place in our society as it is immoral and discriminatory. Despite cosmetic changes to the ban, Trump’s original intent of banning Muslims from entering the country has not changed.
“The decision to uphold Trump’s ban is particularly heartless and cruel given that U.S. policies and wars have inflamed humanitarian crises in the countries that are part of it: Syria, Yemen, Libya, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and Somalia.
“Today, as we express outrage and grieve the Supreme Court’s decision, we also continue to oppose all forms of discrimination and violence against Muslim and immigrant communities at home and abroad — including this administration’s appointments of anti-Muslim ideologues like Mike Pompeo and John Bolton — in addition to Trump himself — and the broader war against immigrant children, families, and all others seeking refuge in the United States.
“Over the course of the last 16 months, Win Without War has joined millions of Americans and organizations representing diverse communities across the United States who have mobilized in cities, schools, and airports against this ban. We will not give up. We will continue to work in solidarity with Muslim communities and beyond for a country that upholds everyone’s rights, dignity, and humanity.”
Win Without War is a diverse network of national organizations working for progressive foreign policy in America.
June 26, 2018