Win Without War Welcomes the First Arrival of SIV Recipients from Afghanistan

Last Updated on August 10, 2021.
WASHINGTON — Win Without War Executive Director Stephen Miles released the following statement regarding today’s arrival of the first flight of Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) recipients:
“We at Win Without War wish a heartfelt welcome to those SIV recipients making landfall in the United States today, and a thank you to the Biden administration for making the right choice to provide them with the safety and refuge that they deserve.
“The United States’ twenty-year endless war in Afghanistan has led directly to the deaths of tens of thousands of Afghans and the displacement of millions more, while bringing the country no closer to peace or stability. There is no military solution to the violence in Afghanistan, and President Biden’s decision to end it was the right one. Now, we owe it to the victims of that war — and especially those put in danger for their collaboration with the United States — to do all that we can to provide them the security that decades of military occupation could not.
“We must not stop here. We should open our arms to all who seek refuge from the destruction that the United States helped wreak, ensure accountability for those responsible, strengthen our commitment to diplomacy and peacebuilding for sustainable peace, provide reparatory funding for the Afghan people, and more.
“This alone is not full justice for the victims of the United States’ war in Afghanistan, but it is a welcome step toward it.”
Win Without War is a diverse network of activists and national organizations working for progressive foreign policy in the United States.